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Levasole (for worms)

Luke Austin

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I have just sourced some sheep and cattle wormer (for those interested $45 for one litre). it has active ingredients of praziquantel at 17g/L and levamisole at 33g/L. In that other thread you suggested that levamisole should be dosed at a rate of 2mg a litre. if I was to do that, I am obviously going to be dosing my tanks with prazi at a rate of 1mg a litre. just wondering if anyone knew what the dosage rate of prazi should be on fish, as obviously I don't want to overdose with prazi whilst trying to get the correct dose of levamisole.

any help would be appreciated. TIA

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Shell - Sorry to re-open old wounds ohmy.gif

Gav - In my book the dose rate for baths against external parasites using Prazi is, 2.5mg/L, adding the same dose on the next two days, followed by a 75% water change and filtering over carbon on the 4th day to remove the chemicial.

It also suggests long baths against internal parasites dosed at 2mg/L for 24-48.

What is the name of the cattle drench you have? Can you PM the name to me please!



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Worm Rid tablet’s active ingredients is praziquantal (the best I can spell that). You can purchase this at Auburn Aquarium, and Anthony will give you the dose rates.

I used it mixed with food, and from memory it is something like 1 tablet per tablespoon of food. Provided the fish are still eating it is a much better way to go as the medicine “does get in”, and you will use a lot less medication (save money) in the process.

You can also get some “Garlic Guard” to mix with the food/medicine mix, which will make the food taste better, and make it more likely the fish will eat it.

I mixed my tables with a frozen food, and live food (separately), letting them soak (live food with a bit of water) for 30 minutes or so.

I also used Metronidrazole, at the same time, and they seem to have worked.


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Hi All

Camallanus is a live bearing nematoad and is a nasty sucker to erradicate once you get it. I have had some success treating with levamisole (yes it is ok to use the bird / sheep / cattle treatments however concentration is important, sorry i don't have the correct dose on me. Call me at the shop 96485200 if reqd) however i have had the best sucess treating with an active ingrediant called Fendbendazole. This is commerically availible as CPV Reptile Science Worm Rid. Both Levasimole and Fendbendazole are only effective if feed in food. I soak the meds with either dry foods (Tetra Bits) or Live worm in the treatment and then feed to the fish. 2 or 3 treatments is usually enougth. I commonly deal with this paracite in Native rainbowfish and have a fairly high success rate in treatment if the fish are still eating. If they are not eating for the sake of the other tank mates move the effected fish on to fish heaven and still treat all other fish in the tank / system with the medicated food. The other advantage of reptile worm rid is that it also contains some praziquantel which will also clean out any other unwanted nasty internal paracite at the same time. Also if soaking a dry food I usually will then dry the food out again before feeding. I am able to supply any of the above mentioned active ingrediants at Auburn Aquarium.

Kind Regards and Good Luck



I have rarely seen this nasty in cichlids however it is not unheard of. Out of curiosity what species is affected?

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