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Positions vacant


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We've recently discovered a need to have an extra mod or 2 about the place, and are always keen to have other interested members in mind should one of our current mods decide to leave the team for one reason or another.

If you think you would be a good moderator and are up to a challenge, send us an email (webmaster@cichlids-aust.com) explaining why you feel you would be a good choice for the job.

All members of the mod team are expected to be active on the forums at least 4 times a week, so don't bother applying if your life is too busy for another time-consuming obsession rolleyes.gif

Once the applications start coming in we will start going through them looking for likely candidates, so don't put this off if you are interested wink2.gif

Feel free to ask a senior admin if you have any questions.

This invite is open to all members regardless of where you are in Australia

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four days a week hahaha many of us are on four times a day!! LOL.gif

i guess im saying for everyone who doesn't know what would we have to do different than we already do?

yes...my first guess is to moderate laugh.gif but what are the other duties we would have to carry out?

by the way put me down aswell.

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