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Breeding Lethrinops Oculatus


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Hi Guys,

I currently have 3m & 5F and was just wondering if anyone out there is either breeding or has breed these interesting fish. Also if anyone has a good source of info on these guys it would be appreciated as there doesnt seem to be much documentation on them.



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White -

I've not kept them but suspect they breed much like other haps (so most general information should work for red empress type species).

They arent being bred much sad.gif - not sure why they seem nice to me!


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they are a very interesting fish... they sift through the sand all day, and make quite sizeable nests.. they are just not the most colourful cichlid which is why i think you dont see many around. I have read that they are seasonal breeders but in the article it does not mention the time of year they breed.

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I have them breeding..plus I am growing up some juvies to add back to the group. Fab fish...can't understand why they are not popular either sadsmiley02.gif There are a few getting around Perth atm...many came across from Melbourne I believe..might be worth checking out Heinze wink.gif

merjo smile.gif

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They are regular spawners, usually around the 30 - 40 fry. They have been kept in with O. "margerette" and also with some pairs of A. calvus and spawned freely in both set-ups. Make sure you have a sandy substrate. Try not to chase them around with a net as they plough into the sand and remain buried for ages....

merjo smile.gif

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