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electric protection


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Hi All

With the summer upon us and talks in the news of possible power supply


What I like to know is what backup systems you have in place so if your at work

or school/uni what happens to you fish when theres no power

I was speaking to a bloke at the last club meeting that told me recent they lost power for 8 hrs and he lost a considereble amount of stock

So I would love to hear from yourselves what you have and the amount of tanks

you are protecting

This is not a threat about power problems I have been told of this in many areas in sydney and its wide stretched and not reported in the news as frequent as it happens

so lets find solutions to the problems before they become major problems

Any shops out there that have back up systems like generators ect

would love to hear from you as well

any ace sponsors I would love to hear what you have access to thats available



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I have lots of battery airpumps. Better buy some batteries but laugh.gif

I try not to think about it. My whole setup will run on a single airpump through summer. I was thinking of a generator, or some kind of battery pack which would support that one item for some hours in a blackout, but haven't found anything feasible yet. I am planning for a generator when I start building an actual fishroom, which will be way too big for the fishroom, but will keep mums fridge running thumb.gif

Of course seeing all the tubs of fry on my floor might mean mum kicks me out long before I get around to starting that fishroom.

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G'day Craig

Battery powered air pumps

Deep cycle battery and inverter


The battery and inverter are supposed to work automatically, unfortunately the gadget linked to, blows up inverters.

Automatic Power Supply

Can anyone out there assist? This gadget is pretty easy to make and it would allow us all to have automatic systems. It probably only needs a simple capacitor or something? Hopefully someone will be able to solve it unsure.gif.


Cya Matthew...

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has anyone out there tried one of these battery airpumps:

70 litre/minute DC airpump on ebay

and able to comment on it's effectiveness.

I bought one of the battery-powered pumps that Anthony demonstrated at a NSWCS meeting some time ago and found it had nowehere near enough capacity to run even the setup I had at the time. So.. while I'm interested in a backup air supply I'd love to hear from someone that has tried one and can confirm that it appears to perform at something like it's claimed 70l/min @ 0.10Mpa rating.

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Hi Guys

Thanks Mathew you seen to be the only fish keeper thus far with there head switched on and I will take all of the information aboard before making a decision


Havent tried that one yet will look at it though

Ducksta the battery operated pumps are ok if you are there to switch them on

But once again I am surprised that we are all guilty "except Matt" of not having a backup system available

We all quite easily run out and buy the next $300 dollar colony with no thoughts on protecting the other colonies we have at home that would cost hundreds ,thousands to replace

just my thoughts and gripes



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Craig my problem is that where my fish are was supposed to be temporary mad.gif I have plans for a generator to be in place when I convert my garage to a fishroom. However, my plans have been held up since we have had somebody move in with us dry.gif

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Yep no worries duck i can understand

i am a little lucky all my breeding system is in the one room

with two tanks only in the house

anyway i reckon anyone out there in retail that can make a system thats reliable

will make a killing

I will keep anyone posted once I have installed one in my fish room

looking to have it in there after xmas around Jan

So please mr Carr dont run out of electricty untill then



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G'day Craig

Another 'Technical Whiz' will be having a look at the plans, to the above web link. If I get anything that works I will let you all know.

I reckon that it may be a problem with the induction motors that are in the air pumps. Then again I am truely guessing and just waiting to find someone that is able to solve the problems, ie. prove me wrong/or right. (So the challenge has been made! Who is up to it? woot.gif )

It is a little (LOT) frustrating to be so near and yet so bloody far away from a simple solution. sadsmiley02.gif

cya Matthew...

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Hi Craig,

You may want to have a look at this:


I came from a third world country where every household will have something like that, because electricity supply was so un-reliable. Thanks to Mr. Carr and his brilliant plan & policy in turning this great state into another third world.

hth, Charlie

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