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Buffering water for africans


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HEy guys, i got a 2 foot 90L tank im setting up for some electric yellows..

Anyway,. IM using shell grit as the buffer and soley as the susbtrate..

I have approx 7kg in there and the water is VERY murky, there is no filter on there either.. Is it too much shell grit for the tank?

Im using an Aquaclear 150 on it, could I put shell grit as a filter media in there and as also a buffer? Would that small amount in the filter be enough to buffer the 90L ?

Cheers cool.gif

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the cloudiness is probably from the shell dust in the grit,likely that you didnt flush it out.using grit only in the filter could be just enough to buffer a small tank,more will make the water harder.in the filter so close to the impellor is a little risky unless it was in a strong bag

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Replicating Malawi...re: electric yellows..

I throughly washed the shell grit and have performed many water changes getting it clearer each time..

I think having it as the substrate is too much in there for it..

Its almost the colour of milk..

Will post a pic up in a minute, just have to take one!

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i still reckon its dust -too much in it to flush it out,it will settle.regarding buffering im reconsidering my comment that grit only in the filter will buffer the water to whats adequate.a covering of 1 2cm on the bottom is what im using to be sure.

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thumb.gif OK guys, I got word my new 4 footer wll be arriving on monday and I need some setup advice..

Im using black gravel this time and i dont want shell grit underneath it in the tank.

Ill be using an ehiem 2217 canister. Could I put shell grit in there to buffer the water sufficently?! Or would be using it under the gravel in the tank be a better choice? I remember someone posted some other methods of buffering a few months back but my searchs have been inconclusive..

Any help appreciated.. cool.gif

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What rocks do you intend using?

What is your tap-water(or watever your water source is) PH?

These are also relevent because your Malawi's are very hardy fish and they can tollerate, generally, a wider range in PH than many Tanganyikans.

If you are going to use limestone rocks and have a higher ph you may not need to any further buffering.

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Was just going to use Sandstone..

The tap water where I am is neutral Ph or slighty above..

I def want to use this black gravel I have.

I might just put a slight layer of the shell grit, its very fine shell grit anyhow on the bottom of the tank.

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