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Filter cycling


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Sorry mate, still biting at something you said yesterday. Filter bacteria will suffer the same pH shocks as fish. You can do it. But its not as easy as stopping it on one tank and starting it on another. The bacteria would need to be acclimated much like fish by slowly changing the conditions.

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Hi Guys,

I agree to some extent with what you say Ducksta but I never check my PH and I always check my kh -gh and I clean and swap filters in tanks all the time with no trouble.

By the sounds of it the filters are running has tropicals and he is swapping over to africans why not just build the ph - kh - gh up together over a period of a week or so then add the new fish to the tank.

This is my opinion. tongue.gif


Brett woot.gif

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Yea Brett, like i say, you can acclimatise the filter to the new conditions. You couldn't make a straight swap though.

Brett, would I be correct in assuming most of your tanks that swap filters regularly have similar conditions?

Personally, I have never tested what I am spraying about here. However, the theory makes absolute sense to me wink.gif What I do if I need to setup a new tank is seed the filter in an old tank for as long as possible. Transfer the filter to new tank along with as much old tank water as possible. Top up with water from similarly run tanks. I wouldn't grab a filter from my South American tank and drop it into an African tank but I do swap filters among african tanks and fry tanks (usually to let fry graze on the sponge surface)

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So should I run the filter with the new tank water which will be recylced out of my main african tank for like a week or so before adding fish to give the filter time to establish itself?

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