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j#g## heaters


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I think you can name the product. It the same as saying " what's better ehiem or aqua-one canister products?". But then again, if I am wrong mods please edit this post laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


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has anyone had any problems with the new batch of blue cap j#g## heaters?

Thats just asking if any one has had problems with them. If you had of said i bought a ............. and its ............ and i reckon no one should by it cause they are all ............, then there would be trouble.

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7. Refrain for naming businesses or products for negative feedback. Recent evidence suggests that this is a potentially libelous action and should be avoided at all costs. If you do have such a problem then the first thing you should do is attempt to resolve the matter with the shop in question. If still unsatisfied with the outcome, you have a number of options available to you, such as contacting the RSPCA for animal abuse concerns, the Department of Fair Trading for issues such as the honoring of warranties, poor quality equipment etc, and even the police for matters such as verbal or physical abuse that may occur within shop.
Lets just call this product feed back by user groups wink.gif
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There is no law against naming a product or supplier in a discussion, the law is against libel or slander.

If you said that "Whatsisname" heaters are junk, whatsisname could take you to court because what he manufactures is heaters and not junk, the quality of the heaters would not be relevant. (i"ve heard of this happening regarding a truck, the owner/driver was sued successfully by the manufacturer)

You could say that "whatsisname" heaters "thingumy" model has a bad reputation for failing well before it should, you should be ok as long as you can produce evidence to support your allegation regarding the reputation.

The trick is to state your intension with regard to a product and/ or supplier.

IE, I bought this "brand" heater from this "name" supplier" and I will never use either of them again. Its a statement of MY intension and not an insitement to others to do the same and says nothing to slander or libel either product or supplier.(ive used this one against a car yard by sign writing my tailgate for 5 years, and even parking it in their yard LOL.gif )

All that said, i'll go back to the original question re the jaeger heaters.

I've been told by one lfs thats been around for many years, that the new ones are good and up to jaegers old high standard before the bad run with the green tops, but as with all things in life i guess that a good rep is a lot easier to reverse than a bad one and jaeger will have to work hard to turn their rep around.

i've never used them myself so all i can pass on is info i've recieved.


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ive had this problem with aqua one ,its getting harder to buy a decent heater lately,the main problem being that when you want a heater you need it yesterday, so your at the mercy of the local lfs, maybe i should buy an expensive spare?

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G'day all,

I've always bought the one's on special from AOA and never had a days trouble. Also, for the die hard "name brand" people that always choose the euro products. I'm in an industry that always has dealings with the supposedly "gun" euro products and the "cheap" asian products. Asian quality has gone through a mega change in the last 5 years and basically has left the "expensive" stuff for dead when you compare price to quality.

You may get the occasional dud with the cheap products, but from what i read the expensive stuff gives just as many duds if not more.

Gone are the days of "You get what you pay for", pay what you need to pay and no more.


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I dont believe that the new level jaeger heaters are here yet

I would suguest that you could contact bay fisheries in qld

sorry i dont have there number and ask have they released the stock yet and if so did they sell it to the aquarium that you purchased your heater from

as i said i dont believe they have been released yet

i have also herd through the grape vine they will be packaged and will look different "but this could only be rumour "

i would say that bay would be more than happy to here there stories because they want to protect the future sales and marketing of the of the new released product when it is released

hope this helps as i am awaiting for stock myself



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