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Breeding fishes to feed aro


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hey guys wahts best type of fishes to breed and then feed to aro. Thats easy to breed and breeds heaps and grows quick.

i was thingking of guppies and platies. even convicts or electric yellows.

i've never bred anything before though.

wats best way to breed them should i seperate babies

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forget the yellows and guppies your best bet would be convicts or maybe even the platies, mollies etc as they grow larger and you can regulate the size of the feeders.

i use convicts to feed to my larger americans and have had no problems yet.

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Once your aro hits some size (which will happen FAST) then feeding them fry is just about worthless. My suggestion is to forget that idea and wean it onto prepared foods ASAP, whether it be dead fish from the market or pellets or prawns, whatever. But if you dont have it on dead/prepared foods by the time it starts needing half a dozen 4" mollies a day, you'll go broke quick smart as nothing will breed and grow at the rate required without setting up a whole fishroom just for feeder production laugh.gif

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when i do do this its not going to be its main diet. its more of giving it a treat once a day or something like that. I've never fed it live food thats not farm raised and not going to risk it either.

its already eating prawns,beefheart,bloodworms etc so no worries there.

i fed it a goldfish once and he went berzerk trying to chase it (just like nature intended it to be). i would like to see that once in a while.

1xsilver 35-40cm

5xfronnies 10cm

gold spot pleco 10cm

every now and then he bites the plecos fins, but hasn't eaten it yet.

he stalks fronnies every now and then but has never bit any yet.

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be careful with guppies from the creek you don't know what diseases you may pick up. one of my mates lost a few big oscars that way.

good point made by ducksta,

JW1000 try not to feed your fish only live food such as feeders, a varied diet is often best and you can give them feeders as treats.

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Its good that you already have him on prepared foods thumb.gif

Still I think breeding feeders and having to get them to a fair size before being able to use them is money/time wasted. Maybe some of your mates have reject fry occasionally? Your aro can be a culling machine!! I think it would be easier to setup a quarantine tank and buy goldfish feeders. Quarantine them, gutload them with vitamin rich foods, and feed them off after a couple of weeks. Growing fish to size for feeding to that aro would take alot of tankspace, time and money (in the way off food, setups etc)

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The best is 2 feed it pellets... so so so much cheaper

I have a large green arowana and unfortunately its now only eats live fish.. meaning feeder goldfish. Have tried to starve him and he went 2 months without eating anything... until i threw in some goldfish or yabbies.

It gets really expensive when your paying $2-4 for 8-10cm goldfish and he will eat 3-4 in once feeding session.

With the two little greens now i have them eating hikari pellets and i give them small tetras, crickets and mealworms every couple of days. Have learnt my lesson and will stick to hikari pellets as a main staple when their bigger and market prawns also if the little buggers would eat it.

Best advise is 2 stick 2 prepared foods or crickets... mealworms are great as a protein source and if you want coloration, market prawns rule.

I did breed convicts when my first green was smaller and it was good way of feeding the aro but as he gets bigger the convict frys just become a snack so its not really worth it in the long run.

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imo its totally unnecessary to feed live food to an aro , pellets and frozen food is fine, or get a worm farm, i once saw a large clown triggerfish choke to death on a goldfish, after that i never feed live fish.alsoafter this fish grows its going to need fish about 15cm long, a fish this size can defend itself!

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Have tried to starve him and he went 2 months without eating anything... until i threw in some goldfish or yabbies.

i cant believe they can starve for that long thats unbelievable.

i dont know how u can do it withou worrying it'll die. u got guts man

i tried to starve mine for 3 days and gave up.

ps: if aro can starve for that long without dieing, is it possible for adult aro to be fed once a week and be still in healthy condition

if it can wouldn't that be awesome ( would be easiest maintenance fish ever)

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Well my big green aro is around 40cm.. give or take a few cm's and i normally feed him every 3-4 days or once a week depending on how busy iam. Its fine 2 feed adult aros less. You can still feed them on a daily basis but i would cut down the amount you give to them.

I wouldnt recommend starving your aro for that long. The experience gained from starving him was simple that my aro is as stubborn as a mule and an angry angry fish. Killed my shovelnose and 1 siamese tiger. He lost alot of weight as it was a fat blob swimming around before and it learnt to bite me and draw blood when i tried to hand feed him prawns. Its not scared of me at all now and looks me straight in the eye when im looking at him. I think its gone alot friendlier since i started feeding him again as he doesnt bite me anymore wink.gif

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my silver aro is as skittish as hell, and its 35-40cm. everytime i feed him with someone else in the room he just doesn't eat and kind of freaks out.

he'll only eat normally when im in room by myself, but even that i still have to move slowly without startling it. im beginning to get sick of this.

for all u silver aro keepers out there at wat size until he gets completely tamed. does he at all.

i've seen one a while ago about 90cm long in a shop. i went next to it and tapped on glass and it didn't mind it at all. it was 9years old though. if i did that to mine i think he would go nuts and the worst result that im afraid of is it damaging his two barbels.

question for player hater: does that mean i can feed mine when its an adult, once a week and that'll be fine and he'll stay HEALTHY. i really want to know this for sure

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Hey johnwilly

I LOVE silvers.. they rock, I used to keep a 35-40cm silver a while back and he was kinda skittish when he was a little smaller, i found he seemed a 'little' more relaxed when i blacked out all three sides of the tank and pretty much kept a wooden covertop on all the time except for feeding.

In regards to your feeding question, its still small and you should keep up with the feedings. My silver i grew from around 3 inches to about 25-26 inches in around a year and that was kept in a 6x18"x18 with 2 feedings a day for pretty much the whole year. I feed him on prawns, feeder fish and mealworms

I sold him to a friend cos it outgrew my tank. My mate then grew it to around 29 inches.. on twice weekly feedings of prawns, feeder goldfish, mussels and crickets.

Silvers tend to grow quicker then asian arowanas from my experience and from friends who also keep them, not by much but quicker none the less. My preference would be to keep with its regular feedings now until it reaches maybe 45-50cms then you should be able to cut down on feedings to maybe 3 times a week as a start...every 2 days pretty much.

End of the day you know your fish and its personality, less feedings will make it more active and probably less afraid of you as it will recognise the hands that feed him... hehe blink.gif

ps: floating plastic plants i have used in the past to help in calming my fish down.. what their afraid of are big objects moving above them (namely you).. floating plants kinda help block their view.

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