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This just proves to me that Labidochromis sp. 'Hongi' will breed in a puddle laugh.gif

I have had my colony in a holding tank for some time, substantially smaller than their old breeding tank which I needed for new arrivals, but easily sufficient. I had them housed with several things at some time or another, most recently a large psycho male salvini. Last week I sold the salvini and in the process pulled all the cover from the tank leaving it bare except for a bit of java fern floating about.

Today I was catching up on some water changes and decided that tank needed a larger than usual change. I drained the water leaving only about 6" in the tank. Then I thought I might be freaking them out a little so put back in a 2 broken flowerpot pieces for hiding. I was playing with hoses and things in their tank and others, and when I came in and started filling the tank I noticed that the male and one of his harem had begun spawning under the pot. And continued to do so while I poured cold water from buckets onto their heads LOL.gif

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most recently a large psycho male salvini.

Gee he was a good fish, LOL.

I wish other species [notably trimacs] spawned as easily as your Hongis. dry.gif

The pair [yes, only a pair despite all advice to get more females] of E. Yellows where i work have been goin at it like rabbits recently though, 3 generations of fry in the tank, and the female is half dead. unsure.gif

Oh well, what can you do when your boss thinks they know more about fish than you and they let them die ? huh.gifmad.gif



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good to know the sale brought more benefits that just money unfortunately i no longer have the salvini. i put him in with a jag that was quite a bit smaller than him as i thought it would be alright... blink.gif to my srprise the lil fella(jag) had him up against the corner of the four footer in the morning and the sal had taken abit of fin damage. luckily a mate was over and asked to swap the sal with his synodontus. ironically he is back in with my mates hongis so now he is being well looked after and is the boss of his tank once again.

cheers mate and don't forget to let me know about the Gt babies when they get to size

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huh.gif I was meaning to PM you buddy. Shame about the sal. When he recovers and starts whipping your mates hongi, claim him back cheap LOL.gif

Will keep you informed about GT's.

ps. 2 more 'hongi' females have mouthfuls already woot.gif

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Just wondering ,is it a problem putting Hongis in the same malawi tank as E.Yellows ? Iknow they are in the same family but don't they seem to stick to their own ?

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Just wondering ,is it a problem putting Hongis in the same malawi tank as E.Yellows?

hmmm....I would think that would be a HUGE problem.

!, very general, rule about putting Cichlids together is not to combine fish of the same Genus. That rules out Lab hongi & Lab caeruleus(E.yellow) in the same tank.

As the Duck with the sore pills( huh.gif ) said, better not to risk it at all. thumb.gif

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