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Injured Peppermint


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Hi all

I have been raising some peppermints in a tank with some breeding bristlenoses. One of the peppermints looks like it has been injured. It has a sore above its eye and I suspect it has had a bit of an altercation with one of the large bristlenose males. It looks like the sort of injury that I have seen at my LSF that was put down to a spike injury. I have moved all the peppermints to a community tank for the time being and they are all well - even the one with the sore is eating and OK.

Is there anything I could do to help the sore heal

They are all about 5 - 6 cm so are pretty healthy



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is it looking like a pink wart???

if so, actions need to be taken a.s.a.p. as I and several other people I know have lost Peppermints after they were unable to recover from the injury...

will await you reply... if it is just a nick or scratch, as long as the water paremeters are good, you should be ok.

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