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peppermint bristlenose

mitch barlo

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Peppermints require a bit more meat in their diet than common bristlenose. I even give the commons a couple of feeds a week of soaked cat biscutes or cichlid pellets. They are not totally vegitarian.


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To tell the truth, I have never tried Nova,

We used to breed cats years ago, and just looking at the composition of cat bickies and fish food I gave it a try and it worked. Then "whickers" changed their recipe or some thing and the fish wouldn't touch it. So tried Friskies "Go cat" and have used it ever since. Was prolly the fishy flavour thing that moved me to try it in the first place, but big plecos and bristles go ape on the stuff. Neotropical cichlids get in for thier bit as well.

I have used dog food to feed my white worms, which then go to my cories, dwarf cichlids and what ever. But have never used it directly for fish. Might be worth a try?????

There is a huge difference between the cost of "Fish Food" and dog and cat food even though they have a similar formula. Even "Barramundi pellets" from the local produce agent only cost $40 something for a 20kg bag !! The cheapest flakes I can get (Direct from the importer) are $28/kg. Goldfish food is cheaper but I don't keep goldfish.

Needless to say that I use a bit of everything, including fresh veg in my fish room


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Now this is stretching my memory, however here goes anyway.

Catfood and Dogfood are not the same blink.gif , bear with me....

I once read that a cats digestive process is different to that of a dogs. A dog may eat both types of food however a cat cannot. The disgestive processes of a fish are the same as a cat.

If you read what is on the side of a dog food packet its main ingredients are wheat products. Whereas catfood has ingredients similar to that used in the making of fish food.

Therefore if you want to use catfood for the feeding of fish go right ahead, however if you want to use dogfood, the fish will have trouble obtaining any nutrients from this food.

A word of warning be careful to remove any uneaten "cat" foods from your tank, just like you normally would. thumb.gif

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