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BN's in African tank!

Luke Austin

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Hey does anyone think that BN's in African tanks suffer from stress? I've had a few that just seem to live for about 6mnths and then just die, others are fine. Any that are in my American tanks have no probs at all and never have....

what do you all reckon?

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Hey luke,

Cant say ive ever noticed a diffrence. my BN survive in both and the only deaths ive had of large BN were from being attacked from my over aggresive Benga. I think they can survive in both water types without to much trouble but its about consistancy if your ph is 8.0 then keep it at 8 dont let it fluctuate cause i think thats what effects them most in terms of stress. HTH Cheers Andy

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I agree with Andy, as long as pH is stable - I have had BN's breeding in African Tanks as High as 7.8 pH but would think that over 8 would result in considerable stress. I am given to understand that pH measurement is a logerithemic scale therefore a pH of 8 is in fact 100 times higher than a pH of 7 and 7.1 is 10 times higher than 7 etc. That is why all adjustments to pH should be done gradually etc etc.

Could there be any other factors for BN's dying ......... lack of food if there are any other catties in the tank like Syno's, attacks by other fish etc ??

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Bristlenos like clown loaches are very sensitive to water conditions. As long as all the water parameters don't vary too much they should be fine.

Then again, larger cichlids in search of food or protecting their territory especially if they are breeding could and may be the culprits

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