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Yep it works. I have used it a couple of times. Used the one that comes already in the bag. Stopped using it when I ran out of prime one time, never used it since.

Prime is used as part of the 'regeneration' process. I think it used a bit of prime to be sure that it is properly cleaned.



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yeah my water quality now i have fixed it is very good.... i can barely see the water in it..... well i cant smile.gif

Just side on the end of the tank is a litte unclear but it may be worth trying just to keep the water that little bit clearer and i can pick one up for about 20$ smile.gif

Thanks again

Rob. laugh.gif

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yeah..it works. used it for both my freshwater and saltwater tanks...

recharge requires soak in bleach etc...and rinse it through with declorinator... can't use the stuff that protects the slime coating otherwise it renders the purigen unless (it coats the beads).

i just use the aquasonic stuff to dechlorinate it...if u can't smell the bleach....should be fine...use a Chlorine test to be sure.

- Ernie

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Guest Gutty

Much like Carbon Glenn, only it's not black and it's not carbon... LOL.gif

Basicly just pulls fine particles and impurities out of your water leaving it crystle clear. It does work but you can get very similar results by keeping your water/filter in tip top shape.

Please note, i have never actually used this product but i have seen the affects.



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once you have crystal clear water

then you add purigen

then you will have crystal clear air for your fish to float through


there is a big difference if you are really retentive like me and stare at the suspended particles in the water all day smile.gif

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