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Guest big bad burundi

Amogon,zeolite,matrix basically all the same deal removes amonia from water yes.

Is a good medium to be used in cannister filters corner filters also.

I just ordered some myself :8: 1000kgs infact

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Anthony -

You said:

Some people swear by ammogon

Those ppl have ammonia problems.

Ammogon is an adsorbate - which binds ammonia.

I would not recommend using it unless you have ammonia issues (ie: a poorly functional or non-functional biofilter). I used to regularly use it in my bagging of fish (one or two pieces/bag) for long trips, auctions etc.


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Guest big bad burundi
Those ppl have ammonia problems.

Ammogon is an adsorbate - which binds ammonia.

I would not recommend using it unless you have ammonia issues (ie: a poorly functional or non-functional biofilter).

:rolleyes: Just because you use ammogon [zeolite]doesnt mean you have amonia problem.Used correctly as substrate in a cannister filter is hard to beat as a medium. <_<

The zeolite can be recharged in salt water having enough for 2 cannisters is good can recharge one while using the other dry it and ready for next time . :rolleyes:

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Guest big bad burundi

Why do eheim sell efisubstrate same deal works great in a filter, im not alone with these thoughts surely 10.000's use efisubstrate world wide David.

PS:Darryl is my name by the way, always was always will be .Dr dave

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Hi Darryl -

Apologies for the Daz (old habits) - Efisubstrate is sintered glass.

The way I understand it, zeolite is an adsorbate (that means things stick to the outside of it - charged things).

Sintered glass (efisubstrate), however, I don't think has any adsorbative properties... it just has a large surface area for bacterial colonisation.

I may well be wrong but thats what I thought the two were.


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Guest big bad burundi

You may be right i dont know what efisubstrate realy is ,looks the same and surface area is why i use or will use zeolite .

So does kitty litter David maybe you could use that mate ,you have tried other pet products over the years hey buddy :o :D

Cant absorb what aint there too start with matey.

Joke Joyce dont get upset :lol: :)

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Darryl -

If there is no ammonia in your tanks - then you must have no fish LOL!

Your fish produce ammonia as a waste... this will get broken down by bacteria in the filter and in your case also bound to the ammogon.

That's my point - you are taking the ammonia away from the bacteria... and I don't understand why you would do this??

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Guest big bad burundi

How can it take it away David still in cylcle with tank water aint it,just that it is bound in the zeolite in cannister where you want it id say.Is this a case of under educated being a hinderence or over educated taking away the common sense approach. :rolleyes:

There ofcourse would be ammonia in tank just not at a level thats a worry.

You see as i see it David if you are right and im not saying your not how come all my fish breed as they do. :):

Surely im doing something right id say. :)

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Darryl -

I'm sure your method works (but you have other biological media I assume??).

My point is - when ammonia is bound to the zeolite it may not be accessable to the bacteria... alternatively it might be, I don't know.

Anyway - zeolite is a medium best used to binding ammonia in emergencies (thats what I have found anyway).

As a biological media you could use any material with a large surface area (efisubstrat, scoria, bioballs, gutter guard etc). All of these materials don't need to be "recharged" and this is an advantage in my opinion.

The other potential problem (and this is a theoretical one) would be that assuming the bacteria cannot access ammonia when it is "bound" to the zeolite then you have two competing processes for ammonia, which may result - should your ammogon come up short one day, in an ammonia or nitrite spike.


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Guest big bad burundi

David after all this what i say is my opinion nothing more,i dont use hypertheticals i use what ive put into practice sorry. ;)

Not saying you are wrong again ,i being under educated in these facts to the extent you obviously are.

I do on the other hand run 9 cannister filters here 24/7 have done for over 10 years now.They all run well tanks all sparkling clean fish growing like a fire storm with a northely wind on a hot summers day. :)

The way a cannister filter picks up in a tank makes a big difference from my experience.I see too many people using a filter as a vacuum rather than a water polisher,which is the way it should be used . ;):

Many people think they can go buy a big Eheim and the name will keep your tank clean. ;)

Bioballs in a cannister from my experience will never work,scorica in my mind just colors the water reddish little else[from my experience].Been there done that and what im saying is what has worked for me day after day year after year.

Bacteria also colonises in the gravel along with ammonia i would have thought,best i go and test my water for ammonia levels.

oooooopssss dont even own a test kit to test that David :):

What should i do panic ,i dont think so happy healthy fish is all thats in my tanks in sparkling clean water. :wub: :wub:

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Darryl -

I've kept fish for the same length of time as you... and I never use zeolite unless I'm transporting fish long term without a filter ie: in a bag.

I never said your system didn't work. I'm saying you can have healthy tanks without using zeolite (or carbon for that matter).

ANY material with a large surface area will work as a biological filter material provided it is inert.

If this system works for you - great - but was trying to explain to Anthony (not you) what zeolite's main use is.

I'm not interested in having another argument with you (we've had plenty in the past and you are always right ;)).

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I sence some tension.....lol...maybe we need to put you guys in a boxing ring and slug it out...lol..you could record it for us all to watch...hehe...man ive lost it....seyaz

Anthony :8

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