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Few questions.

Whats a treatment for popeye?

What have you found to be the best cure for ich?

1 of the fish the wife bought me on thursday might have both. Im dosing a 10g with extra malawi salt ill get some Epsom salt tomorrow and melafix daily. Raised temp to about 30 degrees.

How much salt is ok before the salinity affects the fish. Is it tablespoon per gallon or 5 gallons something like that for ich?

Was going to buy some api super ich cure as well.

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I don't think adding a heap of salt is necessary. The ich treatment plus raising temp will handle it, and with a much higher success rate than salt.

If you do add salt it's the change in osmotic pressure which is the issue to consider. They can handle a large amount but needs to be increased slowly and decreased slowly.

I believe clean water is what's needed for the eye. Malawi salt mix will provide the minerals for rebuilding so is important to add to the clean water which you are further sterilising with melafix. I'm pretty sure most Malawi salt mixes contain Epsom salt so you don't need to add extra.

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So super ich cure and melafix together will be a good idea? And work fine? Ive never really had a sick fish in 12 months or so. Also i have a female holding in the tank wont affect her? Ill do water changes every other day as ive read that clean water changes do help the popeye as well.

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The melafix is probably a little unnecessary. It's a plant based antiseptic so it doesn't have a primary active ingredient that would react with the chemical compound(s) in the ich cure to make it dangerous or anything like that. I haven't noticed fish being adversely affected by it. Aboriginals however used it to stun fish so don't overdose.

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Yeah ok i was mainly using melafix for abit of fin damage the other fish have. They have only been in my quarantine for like 30 hours. Ill just use the ich cure till its gone then go dosing with melafix if fin damage is still apparent. Hopefully it will conside with my main tank cycling and i can just move them straight out into it

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