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My Betta Needs help


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Well something has happwned to my betta. He was fine, then i took him out of his tank in a net for his daily mecurochrome session to heal his never ending fin ort, and now he isnt looking too well at all. I have done this too him heaps, and he has never had a problem. I didnt get any one hios gills, only on his fins, so i donty know what the trouble may be.

I changed his water and lowered the level so he doesnt have to swim far to get to the top, but so far no change in condition. He just kinda sits at the bottom of the tank, and just cant seem to swim properly.

Any ideas??

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I don't really know what the problem is, maybe it is just coincidence and he has old age. How old is the Betta? Just wait and see what happens in the next couple of days and hoefully someone else on here can give you a more detailed post.

Thx Luke wink.gif

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water temp is 22 degrees. I bought him about this time last year, so yeah about a year ive had him, plus however old they are when they get in the shops.

But does old age hit them that quick??? Going from normally swimming, then next second barely being able to swim at all?


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Well unfortuantely my little Ranky died sad.gif . Whateva hit him, hit him hard and fast. HE was a tough fish too, survived 3 jumps out of the tank onto hard wood desk and dried out under a lamp before me finding him.

Thanx for the replys

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yea, it may have been the temperature of the water that started his finrot. The temperature of the water effects there ability of there fins to repair. When i had my bettas i used to turn the temperature up to around 30oC when any fin fot was aparent. I used to keep them in 28oC consistantly. 22oC is a bit low this may have also affected his activity levels. Some bettas are ok in 22oC some can't handle it, it depends on the fish.

Anthony cool.gif

PS: Sorry to hear he's gone, thaught id try and give you advice anyway incase you want to get another. Sorry if you already know the information iv'e given you.

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My betta was bought at a time when tehre was alot of weak bettas around, hence the finrot. I tried everything to completely get rid of it, even tried keeping the temp warmer, but to no effect. he quite happily lived at 22 degrees for ages. Yeah so the finrot was just because he was weak, heaps of people had trouble with bettas at around the same time. But it wasnt the finrot that killed him, it never got that advanced.

So basically i dont know, whether there was something on the net that got in his gills when i moved him, i just dont know. It is a mystery to me.

I will definately be getting another one, or two smile.gif they are my favourite fish.

Thanx again all

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