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diy wet dry filter


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Hi, I am setting up a 3x2x2 for red devils and was after ideas on a filter system. I was thinking of a system with a spray wheel. Photos or build ideas needed. I have a new tank and starting to build the stand so I can get holes drilled in the tank.

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They are very effective method to filter your tank. What are you going to use to drive it, air driven or a power head?

I know Josh has used this system and has been very happy with the results.

Purely Poret one of our sponsor also uses side drop filtration on a number of setup and sells foam and uplift tubes.

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Hi, It will be mainly display but not to fancy. I remember seeing the side drop system many decades ago at O'malleys in there hay day. I hav'nt seen it for so long I forgot about it. I am thinking a power head but open to ideas from members who have been tryed these systems.

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