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lost 4 small bristle nose in one day, please help!


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So about a month ago i started a 100 litre tank and cycled it. water parameters are 25 degrees C and ph is 7.2. I added 4 small angel fish (about the size of a 5 cent coin) and 4 BN catfish. all the BNs died within 24 hours but the angels are thriving. what could i have done wrong??

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What size where they?

Did they all come from the same tank (angels and BN) or different tanks?

Any idea on the water parameters of the tank they came from?

How did you acclimatise them to the new tanks water?

For all 4 to go in 24hrs it sounds of it they didn't like the change in water parameters or were to small to be moved.

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i think he said his ph was 7.2. (i made a point of asking) im thinking they were too small to be moved. i floated them in the bag for 20 mins, then used a half cup of my water into their bag every 10 mins for another half hour then let them into my tank (didnt allow any of the sellers water into my tank as im a bit parranoid about that kind of thing...)

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i think he said his ph was 7.2. (i made a point of asking) im thinking they were too small to be moved. i floated them in the bag for 20 mins, then used a half cup of my water into their bag every 10 mins for another half hour then let them into my tank (didnt allow any of the sellers water into my tank as im a bit parranoid about that kind of thing...)

Hey mate,

Glad to see your into the hobby. Not to be discouraged but could you go to your LFS and see if you can get a Ammonia,Nitrite,Nitrate test? I find these tests are much more important than a simple pH test. Also you can make a simple diagnosis by examining the dead body of your fish. If there are missing scales and torn fins your angel might have attacked them.

Any more problems regarding your fish feel free to PM me or just open up a new topic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Water gets tested with my weekly water change, nitrates and nitrite is zero and ammonia is dead low. poor little buggers just went off their food and sat around heater/powerhead till they all died. Angels have all doubled in size. I wanna try again with the bns as I think they are awesome fish but im scared they will all just die again

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  • 2 weeks later...

Howdy Shamrock

Can i ask what size were the BN? I breed and sell these little guys and tend not to sell them till they are about 2.5-3cm in length. They are a little delicate at the smaller sizes.


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  • 3 weeks later...

If it's just common Bn it's quite affordable but getting them when they are at least 3cm is a must. Just much stronger at this stage. Your low ammonia levels and zero nitrite, nitrate reading could possibly mean the tank isn't cycled or that something died quite recently and is still around in your tank.

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