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Cichlids and plecos?


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So I have been looking at all the fish available in my area and within my future budget. Ive come up with a list of fish I would LOVE to put in my tank. Can any of you please tell me if they would all get a long well or if I should change the numbers of my fish etc any opinion is appreciated unless its nasty, thanks ;)


1x Bumble bee catfish (6cm)
1x Clown Loach (4-5cm)

American cichlids:
2x Firemouth Cichlid (3-4cm)
2x Rainbow Cichlid (4-5cm)
1x Super Green Texas Cichlid (4-5cm)
1x Bolivian Butterfly Cichlid (4cm)

Lake Malawi/African cichlids:
2x Bumble Bee Cichlid (3-4cm)
1x Red Zebra (5cm)

2x Bala Shark (5-6cm)
2x Convict Cichlid (4-5cm)

Will all these fish go well together? They will not all be added in at the same time, I will buy 2 fish probably every fortnight. Except the ones I have now, they will be the first in the tank (however debating whether or not to put my convicts in or not still)

UPDATE: One of my bala sharks died, unfortunately my male cichlid attacked him to death. I've now got my other shark out in a temporary tank and am returning him to the pet store I bought him from. The lady should have never sold me these sharks, after doing research i have now found sharks and convicts do not go together, especially in a tank of only 50 litres. The lady who sold me the sharks knew this but yet still sold them :( I am very upset, it seems like she either knows nothing or just wanted a sale! Anywhoo, will get sharks maybe later when I have my big tank. But in the mean time I only have my convict cichlids now!

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I'd do a bit more research if I were you re fish you want to keep together. The list you have is in compatible as the size and aggression spectrum is huge.

A mature Texas will be a problem. Firemouths can be aggressive too as well as convicts. Don't pick the species by size u want to get them but rather by the size they will be when they grow. Cichlids go through a increased teritorial aggression phase when they hit maturity, particular convicts. Also I wouldn't mix African and american cichlid except maybe for Jewels, their size/temperament suits american cichlids.

If you are looking at investing in the hobby make sure to do allot of research, its a vital and most rewarding excersize next to water changes. Depending where you are I would recoment try find a LFS rather then pet stores. There are some incredibly knowledgeable people around who can give valuable advise.

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I live in Perth, thanks for your reply. I had someone recommend getting a texas and a firemouth, so i assumed they would be alright together. I will be doing my research before I get any new fish, of course. Just posted this to see what people would recommend and their opinions as I like to see what others have to say too. I might just stick to the African Cichlids as I really love the colours of the red zebra and the bumble bee, also love the markings you can get on the Jewel (assuming these three can go together).

Ive come to the conclusion that whatever fish I get, I will NOT put my convicts in with them. Everyone has said they are aggressive. I might just keep them separate in the tank they are in now?

I'm looking for recommendations as to what fish do well in communities as I want more than one species in my new tank. What interests me about fish are their colours, so would prefer very colourful, vibrant or different fish in my tank :)

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I've done some quick research but not too sure if I can keep a clown loach with the fish ive decided to get in the future.

With the research I did, I found these fish were most compatible together (and of colours that interested me). If you feel I am wrong, please let me know. I have only Google'd around searching through wikipedia and other sites. Im sure personal experience would be more helpful than a website.

The fish I have decided to put on my yes list are;

Pseudotropheus Crabro (Bumble Bee Cichlid)

Pseudotropheus Salousi

Labidochromis Hongi

Do you think a clown loach would do well with them? The clown loach is generally friendly however those fish above can be aggressive to other species of fish so im not sure? I really want either a clown loach or a catfish in with my fish.

update: Oh and I wanted a red Zebra and a Jewel but I read they can be very aggressive, so I think maybe they aren't best kept with my chosen fish? Or do you think otherwise? (I would love a red/orange fish as above are mainly blue/yellow)

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G'day Codie.

Read Ivans post again.
Its spot on.

Sounds like you've recently been bitten with the cichlid bug.
Like most you wanna try everything straight away.
Problem is you can't.
Cichlids are territorial and need room to move.
Cramp them up and you'll have problems.
Especially if the fish you want to keep with them is a pair of convicts.
Make no mistake, these fish are aggressive.
Especially when they decide to breed, and and seeing you have both sexes ..... They will.
If the other fish don't have enough room to get away from the angry parents.
They're doomed.

My advice would be just to keep the convicts by themselves so you can watch them breed a few times.
This is an amazing part of the hobby and is very exciting when the parents are guarding hundreds of fry.
Then when you get bored with them and have gained a little more experience.
Get rid of 'em and get something else. :smile:

No clown loaches with cichlids.
Not the 1s you've mentioned anyhoo.
Only get a pleco if you have enough room.
ATM you don't.
Convicts only in that little tank.

And as Ivan said up there about water changes.
Change 1/4 every week and your fish will love you for it.
The secret to a healthy tank. ;)

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Thanks I'm not getting these fish any time soon, but preparing for them. I am getting a new tank its on laybuy, its a 4 foot tank (not sure how many litres) but i dont get it for a few months, so it gives me time to learn and to prepare. In the meantime I am only keeping my cichlids as have learned they need minimum 40 litres to a pair and the tank they are in is 46 - 50 litres. However I do have two bristlenose catfish in their (they are tiny, something like 3cm) and have been there since day one. I bought them all from the same person and they have been great together as the catfish keep to themselves and hide around the heater. I'm really excited to see my cichlids breed, but not sure what to do really when they do breed. Im going to start learning about that too because I want them to breed successfully.

As for the clown loaches with cichlids, the fish lady told me when i get my new tank and have my african cichlids in their, a clown loach would be great for if i have live plants they will eat the snails. I told the lady what fish i was interested in keeping and she said they should all be fine as long as i introduce them slowly and make sure they are roughly the same size and that i get fish that grow to a max size, similar to each other. (not to get fish where one is 15cm and the other only 8cm).

When I DO get my new tank, I will not be putting my convicts in it, it will be an african tank and I will be keeping this pair in the little tank and handing them over to my mm as she loves them but doesnt want the huge responsibility of a big tank and lots of fish.

Before I get all my fish Ill post some photos of my new tank and set up so expect future posts from me :) Thanks for all of your input guys, it has been helpful. I will definitely do the water change tip also.

Also where I bought my cichlids from was a private lady, and my bala sharks were from Midland aquarium. I kind of refuse to buy fish from pet stores such as pet city and city farmers, I have noticed some people dont know what the heck a cichlid even is in these chain stores -.- .

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Most people starting out not knowing much about it, unless they research so the fact that you are trying to learn before you do is great

But you need to understand that all cichlids regardless if they are from the same country little lone same lake will need to be understood individualy as there all different so yes the process for everybody starts at looks

Fish what you like make a list then from that list you will end up cutting back to the point where you decide it might be best if you have 2 tanks 3 tanks before you know it 8

These fish can be mixed well and everything is perfect or mixed wrong and cause you a hole lot of head aces which then will turn you off keeping fish

Unhappy cichlids don't show nice colour !!!!!

Great site great info great people who have been through what your going through listen to what they say try take it on

As for your title ! No

There is a search bar this topic has been covered before it is up to you to do what you like just read through different opinions and make your own decision

Good luck we like pics fish lists and set ups share once you are ready

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