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thoughts on leleupi


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Hi guys

So I'm finally picking up my first pair of leleupi on Sunday. Been told they are a bonded breeding pair. Been wanting to get my hands on some of these guys ever since I first saw them.

What are your thoughts, advice on breeding and raising these guys?


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Years ago I used pleco caves stacked up into a pyramid stack.

They chose their preferred cave and kept breeding in that.

Whatever hollow or crevice you make for them,,, just a current of water ever so gently blowing in direction of the egg laying pozzy.

As its additional oxygenation as well as the parents naturally fanning.

Leleupi are excellent parents until fry grow out and begin to compete.

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to be honest, i found breeding them to be similar to convicts. set the tank up with fine sand and lots of caves and leave them alone! they will breed for you as long as you dont disturb them and keep up water changes. i have 40 fry in the first 6 weeks i had my pair. a lot of people say you need live brine shimp and other live food to grow the fry. i just used nls grow and they grew at a pretty good rate and had a very low mortality rate.

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Thanks for the Input guys. I picked up my to new members on the weekend and let me tell you not disapointed :) they are a beautiful orange and settling in very nice. I will try and upload some photos in the coming days. Just wodering do you think for them 2 alone a 2 foot tank will suffice?


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I would go a 3, or 2.5 if it exists, if one turns nasty you will be grateful for the extra room...

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  • 2 months later...

I had 2 breeding pairs in a standard 4footer and were continuously breeding. The dominant pair produced more fry of coarse. They bred in an upside down small terra pot with a small hole chipped out of the bottom. This was siliconed onto a lexan so retrieving fry was simple because I had a light substrate of crushed coral. They were very protective of those pots.


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