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Substrate: Lime/Marble/Shell (010)

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I normally use crushed coral/gravel in my tanks but am thinking of using sand for one of my tanganyikan tanks. I am undecided as to whether to use river sand, coral sand or crushed marble. Can anyone who has used any of these provide their experiences with them? What are their prices and are there any things I should look out for?

Cheers, :D :D


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I prefer coral sand because of the high ph, which goes well with your tangs. It's also easier to clean, as it won't get sucked into the siphon as easy as river sand, especially when you have the crushed coral. Also when you use sand out of a river, you run the risk of introducing nasties to your tank, unless you thoroughly boil, and dry it first.:)

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Hi Huyey -

Crushed marble (pool dust) is a better environmental choice than coral sand. It works in exactly the same way (ie: buffers pH) - and comes highly recommended.


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Hi EoMS -

I know :D. My point is though - this crushed coral comes from somewhere (reefs normally ;)). Marble is a better bet for it isn't likely to come from environmental sensitive areas ;).

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