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Mpanga holding 2nd time..


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Hi everyone. Noticed my Mpanga is holding for the second time. Last time she didn't go to term and swallowed or spat the eggs.

She's in a mbuna community tank atm. Should I just let her go and see what happens? Or maybe move her to another tank to be alone while she's holding and hope she goes all the way this time?

Any suggestions welcome and much appreciated :)

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If the father is mpanga also and if you wish to keep the fry then move her to a holding tank. If she stays in the main tank and holds full term the fry will get eaten by all the other fish.

Otherwise you can strip her after two weeks but for a newly breeding fish i recomend removing her so she will learn to hold. It usually takes a few tries for newly breeding fish to get the hang of it.

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No, usually they can hold onto their eggs, but I have had fish spit a few fry into the net when being caught. No harm done to the fry though.

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I would do as others have suggested and separate her until she spits.

Not sure of the makeup of you tank and type/amount of species but would suggest that you keep an eye on her for a few days after re-introducing her to the tank as she may get picked on. Generally it isn't much too worry about but if you notice she is getting severely ripped fins you may need to separate her again.


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when adding her back into the original tank, it is a good idea to change some territories around so she has a chance to get a territory and the other fish are less likely to attack her because they are trying to defend new territories.

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