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Entire Bristlenose Tank - Bloated Stomachs


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Hi all,

I have an adult BN tank that i have been losing fish out of for the last week or so now. They have extremely bloated stomachs and i would love some feedback on what could be wrong. The tank has plenty of caves and driftwood in it as well and the fish are being fed on Spectrum H2O Wafers and fresh blanched vegetables. I have checked the water parameters and my readings are as follows.

PH - 7.2




Any help would be appreciated. I have never seen anything like this before so it has me stumped.



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Yeah i did check for worms but non were evident in the tank. I will cease feeding the wafers for a few days and see if it improves. I have heard and seen bloated BN from heavy feeding of algae wafers but i have lost over 6 adults now.


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Some algae wafers swell quickly and I think cause bloat. I feed zucchini 7 days a week with flake and only occasionally wafers. I have a breeding pair of bn's that are 10 years old and still breed. I also have a pair of abn that would be close to 8 years old (see avatar). Vege is best. It would not hurt to worm them as it does tend to clean them out. If another one dies cut open its stomach and look for worms. They can die and block them up. I have plenty of spare male commons if you want to replace some.

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