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Cichlid Introduction suggestions?

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Hey guys I'm looking to get some Malawi Cichlids soon for my 5X2X2 set up, but here's the thing, I'm unsure on how to introduce them, wether to put them all in at once or steep out the process over a few weeks, I'm running an Aqua One "Aqua Grande 150" top filter, a Fluval 405 canister and a Fluval U4 internal filter, I'll cycle the tank as best I can in the weeks leading up to getting the fish, I have plenty of rock work and hiding places so that isnt an issue, and I plan on buying/using either API "Quick Start" API "Stress Coat +" and Seachem "Stability" Seachem "Prime", or a combination of these (Any Advice on these would be greatly appreciated), now that you know my filtration heres what I'd like to stock:

4 Cyrtocara Moorii (Blue Dolphin)

6-8 Labidochromis Caeruleus (Electric Yellow)

6 Labeotropheus Trewavasae

6 Nimbochromis Venustus (Giraffe Cichlid)

8 Pseudotropheus Demasoni

6 Cynotilapia Afra Cobue

6 Sciaenochromis fryeri (Electric Blue Cichlid)

I'll be getting them all fairly small (2.5-5cm) so the bioload shouldnt be huge from the get go, although there are a lot of fish there, I dont want to introduce them one species at a time due to them getting territorial but I might introduce the one species first just to make sure the tank is cycling properly...


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With Seachem "Stability" and Seachem "Prime", i'd reckon your off to a good start. Imo, I deffo wouldn't put all the live stock in at once, much better to put 2-3 in and add 1-2 a week to allow the Bio system time to catch up.


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With Seachem "Stability" and Seachem "Prime", i'd reckon your off to a good start. Imo, I deffo wouldn't put all the live stock in at once, much better to put 2-3 in and add 1-2 a week to allow the Bio system time to catch up.


what's your personal experience with Prime and Stability Brendan? and just so we're clear, you mean 2-3 species (in said groups) and then introducing 1-2 species a week from then on correct?

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Yeah trying to fishless cycle without a test kit would be pointless already onto it :) everything is ready and waiting to start cycling as soon as the tank arrives and gets set up... can't wait :woohoo:

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With Seachem "Stability" and Seachem "Prime", i'd reckon your off to a good start. Imo, I deffo wouldn't put all the live stock in at once, much better to put 2-3 in and add 1-2 a week to allow the Bio system time to catch up.


what's your personal experience with Prime and Stability Brendan?

Hey Bud,

Prime and Stability, in fact Seachem products in general, are just my prefered poison. I have had a good run with their products and I trust them. Having said that, there are plenty of other good products out there. ( some aussie made ones too )

and just so we're clear, you mean 2-3 species (in said groups) and then introducing 1-2 species a week from then on correct?

Regarding the fish stocking, an let me make it clear, this is just my opinion, I'm no Guru. I think the 40 odd fish you have listed in your OP are too many for your size tank.

And no, :no: I would introduce 2-3 fish, not species, and add 1-2 fish a week after ya sure the tank has cycled. Keep going until you feel you have achieved a nice "balance"


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