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My 4 foot tank


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Hey there. Have had this tank running for a couple of months and seeing as i just joined this forum thought id put up some pics :-)

Fish are;

Moorii Dolphin x 2

Electric Yellow x 1

Silver Sharks x 2

Silver Dollars x 2

trophius Bemba x 1

6 Bar Frontosa x 1

Jack Dempsy x 1

Bristlenose Catfish x 2

Red Jewel x 1

Red Empress x 1

Acei x 1

Any Comments or questions appreciated :-)

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an aqua 1 canister (rated at 1000lph, whether its anywhere near that or not who knows) and an eBay in tank power filter (10 bucks!) i put in a little while back to help it along. creates nice water movement too. I wanna change to sand and rocks at some stage when i can be arsed ha ha ha. Oh and nee to paint on the background lol.


The internal filter was put in after this video, made a noticeable difference :)

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The water was fairly cloudy and this may be because you had just cleaned the tank or moved some of the driftwood around. Not knowing the exact dimensions of your tank I suspect the Aqua One filter is probably only turning the tank over 2 to 2 1/2 times per hour. The addition of the internal filter was a good idea. As your fish grow the bio load will increase so you may need to reassess your filtration.

I know you said that you have had any problems with the fish over the last couple of months which is good to hear. Do you check your water parameters and if so what are they?

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