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Afra Cobue, what are your thoughts


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Hi all,

Just wondering what the Afra Cobue (hope i got the name right) is like as a fish ?

I am new to the fish world and looking at getting myself some new fish but unsure what to get.

I currently have:

2 x frontosers 8-14cm

2 x red emperas 14-15cm

3 x princess bacardis 4cm

and 1 x bristle nose cat fish 7cm

I had seen the Afra Coubue and though he looked nice but not sure what he is like. Or how hard he is to get my hands on. ??

I also am keen on the look of the christmas fulu, red top black bars, electric yellows, Blue Damasoni, Manganos and bumble bees gobe. (hope i got those names right)

Would you reccommend these fish for my tank or something else ?? Im open to idears

Thanks guys for your help love it that i can jump on ACE and get all the help i need. :)

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hi welcome to the world of cichlids,

as alex said some idea of tank size will help us.

the fish you have come from different places the red empress are lake Malawi fish and the frontosa and brichardi are both from lake tanganyika. bristle noses are from south america. this means they probably will thrive best in different water conditions but if they all seem to be ok then thats OK.

the fish you want to get are all from lake malawi except the fulu from lake victoria and the bumble bees from......... well i dont know, but not one of the african lakes. they will probably all get along ok except the bumble bees which will make a very nice snack for the frontosa or anyone else with a big enough mouth.

most people pick a lake and stick to fish from there but there are plenty who mix it up and have great display tanks with frontosa and malawis. the thing to remember is frontosa get big and potentially anything they can fit in their mouth is concidered food.

as for cobues they are stunners, one of the fish i was always on the look out for but never got around to buying .

have fun, keep asking questions

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I had a small colony of Cobue's in my Malawi tank a while ago. As dog boy said, they are stunners - though i found them a bit quiet compared to others in the tank (mainganos, e yellows). They bred quite easily for me - i didn't have to anything special (like arrange romantic dinners, dim lights etc :hug:). Great fish

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Thanks guys my tank is a 4"2"2" filtration not sure on that, i have a Aqua Nova canister filter it says 1500 on side ???

Sorry i realy have no idear atm LOL hopeing to get more of an idear using ACE

I didnt even know the fish i have are not the same, i thought a cichlid was a cichlid i am finding out fast that fish arnt just fish...

I just chose them for there colour LOL i know lame right.

All my fish are looking good and get along well so lets hope that mixing diffrent fish will be ok for me.

I realy like the look of the Afra Cobue its a great looking fish. Would it suit my tank set up ?? If so what size do they grow to and what sort of money am i looking at to get some ?? Also are they easy to get a hold of ??

What would you guys recommend for me to add ? Also how many fish should i consider a good number for my size tank ??

Thanks once again i realy appreciate all your adivce

Cheers BMR :)

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Thanks guys my tank is a 4"2"2" filtration not sure on that, i have a Aqua Nova canister filter it says 1500 on side ???

Sorry i realy have no idear atm LOL hopeing to get more of an idear using ACE

I didnt even know the fish i have are not the same, i thought a cichlid was a cichlid i am finding out fast that fish arnt just fish...

I just chose them for there colour LOL i know lame right.

All my fish are looking good and get along well so lets hope that mixing diffrent fish will be ok for me.

I realy like the look of the Afra Cobue its a great looking fish. Would it suit my tank set up ?? If so what size do they grow to and what sort of money am i looking at to get some ?? Also are they easy to get a hold of ??

What would you guys recommend for me to add ? Also how many fish should i consider a good number for my size tank ??

Thanks once again i realy appreciate all your adivce

Cheers BMR :)

I have no intention in breeding just a display tank :)

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I had Afra's in my display tank along with Blue Cobalts, Yellows, and a couple of Red Rubin Peacocks.

They were easily the coolest fish in the tank for me.

I ended up with 2 males and 3 females, they are easy to sex and you should pay around 5bucks per fish. Although, I haven't seen as many around in the past year or so but i'm sure if you ask, someone will have them.

Usually you'd need at least 3 females to a male as he will love the ladies and rarely leaves them alone, one drawback of this is that the females are grey in colour and obviously it starts to take up tank space.

Don't get just one female though!!!!! She'll just be stressed for a few months until he finally kills her. You don't want to watch that happen.

So either get 3 females to a male or no females at all.

It's fine to just have a single male in there but he may not colour up as well if there's no females present.

These guys will need lots of rocks, the male will claim a cave - dig out all the gravel around it (fun to watch) and guard it with his life!

Not sure how they'll go with your other tank mates as they are one of the smallest cichlids from Malawi, but they seem to hold their own.

Anyway, they are awesome fish and I highly recommend them!!! My male can be seen in my profile pic :)

Hope this helps and good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wouldn't mix the two unless the tank is thoroughly stocked .... Flavus are extremely temperamental and afras can be feisty as well.

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