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HELP leaking tank!


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Hi folks, I was woken up at about midnight with my 5x2x2 tank leaking water everywhere. I've temporarily moved the fish into my kids bathtub.

Anyone know where I can lay my hands on a big temporary drum (s) till I work this out or got a fish tank they want to sell?



PS I'm in Sutherland

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hi bruce my name is matt how many fish do u have i have a tub you can borrow or i have a spare tank i could house your fish in till you find something ? hope i can be of some help i had the same prob 3 nights ago with my 6x2x2 and its hell i feel your pain .......

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Thanks for the offer of help Matt just got my new tank (partially) filled.

Cant work out where the leak is, sounds weird but there was water cascading off the tank all around!

I took the day off and went out and got a 6ft * 18 inch replacement (fitted the space better) and the fish are just now settling in to the new tank. Still bare floor with a few rocks for the smaller ones to hide in. About to call it quits It's been a 23 hour day so far.

BTW in a fit of exhausted madness I've gone for a weir and sump this time as I was getting tired of continually cleaning the canisters, hope I haven't made a mistake with this - never had a sump tank before.

By zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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I suspect that the silicone has given way along the the bottom edge. The pressure exerted when the tank is full forces the glass outwards and out flows the water but once it is empty the glass is back in place and it is hard to see the split in the silicone.

Did you keep you filters running from your old tank so you don't have any issues with cycling?

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i agree with ged he pretty much explained what happend to my tank its was due to being old i was told they have a new way of making tanks the pressure from the the 650lt of water caused the face of my tank to pull away from the body and BOOM.......3 hours of mopping at 3am lol ... good luck bruce

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