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Newbie with a Question..


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Hello to all my name is Luke and I am new on here.

I am 28 years of age and have been keeping a variety of african cichlids since high school.

I have been "trying " to breed a few species over the last 12 months or so since I really got hooked on the hobby.

The "successfull breeders I have are nothing fancy (yet). I have electric blues and yellows, lionheads, maleri gold peacocks, crimson tide, dimi. comps. and princess brichardi, and short and long fin, common and albino b/n.

The not succesful ones (as yet) are, black calvus, tinanti, electric blue no.2 and some recently aquired red top zebras.

and i also keep a 4ft disaply tank with a big mixture of african cichlids.

Now the qusetion. Has anyone had experience with keeping brichardi fry with the parent when the next batch of fry come along?

I have been told that they will all live happy together. My first batch of brichadi eggs hatched about a week ago and I dont want to lose them to the next batch of fry, but I also dont want to disturb them if i dont have to.

Thanks for reading


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I am also only new to this site luke but have the princes brichardi and kiku as well the first batch of fry will not eat the second batch but will help raise them and the parents will continue to breed when the fry reach about 3 to 5 cm it will be time to take only the biggest out and leave the rest as the male will start to push the bigger males away and thats your que to remove the bigger ones

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You should remove each batch of fry. As the guys explained earlier they help protect every new bunch of fry that comes along. Eventually they will take over your tank and attack any other fish that goes near the new fry. If they are in a tank by themselves then forget everything I just told you and let them go.

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They are in a tank by them selves, they kill anything that comes near them, I can't even keep any bn or sucking cats because they end up dead too, the glass always looks feral now, any ideas on what might be able to cope with the abuse?

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