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Sudden high tap water pH help.


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I usually check the tap water pH about every 6 weeks or so for my own amusement more than anything and it has always been a stable 7.6. Today I checked it and it is sitting at 8.6!!!

Recently we had Ecoli in our water supply so had to boil before drinking etc so I am guessing a treatment they have used has caused the spike.

My question is how can I get it down to a lower level safely? I know a higher stable pH is better than a fluctuating lower one but really want to get it down due to my catfish.

Any help appreciated.

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Filter your water through Peat Moss or the use of CO2 are ways to achieve it.

If you can hold off on doing a water change your tap water should return to normal. How many litres do you normally take out an replace during a water change?

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I usually change 30% weekly per tank.

What type of peat should I try filtering water through? I usually do straight tap water with conditioner for changes so will need to get a decent sized storage tub.


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Adam I agree with Matt if you don't need to do a water change immediately the time it takes to set up and filter the peat moss the tap water should be back to normal.

The easiest way is to place a bucket with holes In the bottom. Add a layer of filter wool 5-10cms. Fill the bucket with Peat Moss. This you should be able to get from a nursery or garden centre. There a number of brands on the market just ensure that it says Peat Moss or Sphagnum Peat Moss. Pour boiling water of the moss the first time but don't collect the water. Place the bucket over a tub and then add cold water and filter the water into the tub below.

The biggest issue is that the moss will have attain look to it and may not be desirable in your setup. If your tank water has a high pH currently you can't do a rapid change as it can have dire consequences.

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