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Eheim spare parts


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  • 2 weeks later...

the part is not available through any local eheim dealers which i find very strange... real dissapointing customer service

ive been in contact with the Pond King in the UK, he replied to me with a quote straight away.. only problem is shipping is very expensive

and people wonder why we avoid the lfs and shop online..

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Pro 3 havnt been around that long............ is it under warranty still or how old is it

was it bought new or second hand,

also cant remember which model pro 3 but one of them had a faulty motor head that was replaced for free it all depends on the serial numbers. (This doesnt apply though (from the proper ausie Eheim importer) if it was originally bought from a certain online store as they come in through as grey imports so the aussie importer will not cover them.

Also motor heads generally are not kept in stock mainly because you might get asked for 1 every 10 years ;)

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was purchased new from an online shop, sent it back under warranty because it was the model that had the faulty motor head and they never returned it or any of my emails.. they have no phone number so the only way i can get it back is through legal proceedings which just isn't worth it.. they know this so i guess thats just how they operate!

so im left with half a filter, and im starting to think i should just cut my losses and move on..

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I had the same thing with a pro 3 2075.Leaking from the head ,brought from an ebay shop,wouldnt reply to any emails,no phone number etc etc. Filter 2 years old,has 3 year warranty. I took the head apart ,cleaned and siliconed in an oring behind the primer as the forums reccomend ,however it didnt stop the leak! Turned out to be the quick release hose attachment,which cost $50

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in hindsight i should've tried to fix it but i believed i would be getting a new one on warranty as the seller was happy to return it to eheim

i should of researched the filter before i bought it.. there are many complaints online about the pro3 series having this problem

my 2217 i purchased 15 years ago is still going strong!

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HI, perhaps try these guys: http://www.aquaristikshop.com/cgi-bin/neu/webshop.pl?userid=OvPk2FD87Cz3qA1A540Bu92lsvg6IDhZeiX&f=*NR%2C*NAMEE%2C*ENGLISH&t=e_temsearch&dif=10&start=1&search=ALL&userid=OvPk2FD87Cz3qA1A540Bu92lsvg6IDhZeiX&c=eheim+2071

I got my 2 Pro3 filters from them and their service have been very responsive. Your part plus shipping would be EUR106.28. That's shipping to Sydney though. Not sure how that compares to King Pond. It may take awhile as they are based in Germany if you are in a hurry, it may not work for you.

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was purchased new from an online shop, sent it back under warranty because it was the model that had the faulty motor head and they never returned it or any of my emails.. they have no phone number so the only way i can get it back is through legal proceedings which just isn't worth it.. they know this so i guess thats just how they operate!

so im left with half a filter, and im starting to think i should just cut my losses and move on..

Unfortunatly that is how some online shops operate, plus they are grey imports so the Australian distributor or Eheim (Germany) will not help or cover Eheims as they are not a authorised distibutor.

They tell you they are from Germany but they are from the China distributor and not meant for our market or power supply.

As Ged put up Contact Consumer affairs but i have heard a lot have failed in doing so but try his Phone number

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Unfortunatly that is how some online shops operate, plus they are grey imports so the Australian distributor or Eheim (Germany) will not help or cover Eheims as they are not a authorised distibutor.

They tell you they are from Germany but they are from the China distributor and not meant for our market or power supply.

As Ged put up Contact Consumer affairs but i have heard a lot have failed in doing so but try his Phone number.

well that makes sense as to why it has not been replaced.. shame they didnt tell me this before i sent it to them

thanks for the phone number

Contact Office of Consumer Business Affairs in SA. They may be able to exert more pressure than you can.

i have contacted consumer affairs, and unfortunately all they can do is record the business name and i have to proceed with civil proceedings if i wish to take it further

HI, perhaps try these guys: http://www.aquaristi...iX&c=eheim+2071

I got my 2 Pro3 filters from them and their service have been very responsive. Your part plus shipping would be EUR106.28. That's shipping to Sydney though. Not sure how that compares to King Pond. It may take awhile as they are based in Germany if you are in a hurry, it may not work for you.

thanks for finding that, unfortunately it is the EU model which is 230v with EU plug..

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Bwah please be aware of the following ACE rule

Refrain for naming businesses and organisations negatively. This is a potentially libelous action and will not be tolerated here. Problems with businesses or organisations need to be sorted out off the forums, and there are a number of avenues available to you. The first step is to deal with the business or organisation directly. If you are still not satisfied then there are other avenues including the RSPCA and the Dept of Fair Trading.

I have removed the name of the online stop from the thread.

the part is not available through any local eheim dealers which i find very strange... real dissapointing customer service

ive been in contact with the Pond King in the UK, he replied to me with a quote straight away.. only problem is shipping is very expensive

and people wonder why we avoid the lfs and shop online..

This is why I don't avoid LFS and only shop at online shops that I know are well established and have excellent reputations.

I know that this advice has probably come too late for you in this situation but sometimes the cheapest price is not always the best price. The sponsors of ACE are always a great place to get fantastic service and support and you will find that they are recommended by forum users repeated.

I have also found that developing a relationship with my LFS helps. If I need something in a hurry and can't wait I can rely on them. I have even had them match prices of some of the online stores.

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ok no worries, i didn't write the phone number down.. E4G13M4N can u pm it to me, thanks.

ged - filter was purchased well over a year ago at a price no lfs could match (due to grey import and no warranty it seems!).. i try to shop at lfs as much as possible, however distance to travel sometimes permits, lfs have sourced parts for me before and advice is always good..


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  • 4 months later...

Hey bwah I know its probably a bit late now but www.aquaticsupplies.com.au is able to source eheim parts quite readily (as readily as special order items can be). I've needed a few eheim parts previously and they had no trouble tracking them down for me.

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I agree Eheim pro3 series are overrated, I will never buy another one of this series. With 2217 or pro1 had never any problem. Pro3 I recon are very hard to start - prime button is just a laugh... and last week while trying to clean one - quick tap broke down, I'm not able to fully close taps and in consequences Im not able to release it from filter pump or use it as it is.

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