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Sex please?


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not me........ the fish.

Bought this Chocolate today.

It was the last one in the tank so i wasn't sure what sex it was


sorry about the photos but do your best




I was thinking female.

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Looks like a Cryptoheros? Septemfasciatus? If so, congratulations... To me the fish looks like a male. Why? Black spot on upper lower back & maroon body colour. Females are more golden in colour... I could be wrong though

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Geez mate, I hope you are right. :yes: :yes: :spaz:

As you know i've been looking for some....

somebody else suggested that it had too much blue in its face to be a chocolate.

Oh well..... we'll see what it grows up to be.

thanks for the reply.

BTW how are yours going??

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I'm 99% sure it's not a chocolate.

My septemfaciatus are doing great - thanks man; I think they have laid once since I last spoke to you, but are not aggressive enough to defend them.

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yeah thats good.

Since you suggested it was a septem,

I've been checking out pictures of them and i convinced it is one.

God knows where i'm gonna get a girl for him??

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Yeah, they used to be quite common.

I remember seeing them on fish lists years ago.

I've never kept them before, that's why i didn't recognise it.

I'm trying to trace where the shop got it from....

It came from a "supermarket" type store. They are famous for not knowing too much about what they sell.

you know the places....half a dozen "15year olds" running the joint.

they have one bloke who's fairly cluey, but hes not back til thursday..... so wish me luck :dntknw::thumb

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