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Labidochromis varients


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are Labidochrims Nkali & Chisumulae varients of Caeruleus just from different collection points (eg Psuedotropheus Acei Msuli Point vs Psuedotropheus Acei Ngara)?


are they a different sub species (eg Pseudotropheus Acei vs Pseudotropheus Saulosi)?

just curious.

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The proper name is Labidochromis caeruleus "Nkali". The Nkali denotes the collection point for the variant.

In the case of Labidochromis chisumulae which was first collected from Chisumulu Island by Lewis, 1982 is classified as a different species.

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It is just Labidochromis chisumulae.

Binomial nomenclature is the formal system used to in naming all living organisms. The binomial name or a scientific name consists of two parts. The first part of the name identifies the genus to which the species belongs; the second part identifies the species within the genus.

So in this case Labidochromis is the genus and chisumulae denotes the species. Also on a point of taxonomy the species is always a little letter. So chisumulae is correct but Chisumulae is incorrect.

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