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Prodibio and flow


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I am looking for a way to reduce phosphates in my tank, so i was thinking of running rowaphos. but because rowaphos is epic expensive for the amount it treats i thought that i would try prodibio's biodigest as well and use them with eachother. has anyone used biodigest (or any of prodibios products for that matter) before?

And also, how much flow is too much? i use a sump, so i need a fair amount of flow to make it half useful. i currently have a single jvp 5000lph on my 6x2x2 tang tank, but im thinking of adding more flow. what sizes would be best to keep it from becoming a whirlpool?



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I've got a better way for you to do this. Pool Starver aka lanthanum chloride.

Some things you need to know.

This stuff is STRONG. I use 2ml in a 1000ltr tank and it reduces the PO4 from .12 (tested on a hanna PO4 egg) down to .05 overnight.

As this is a focculant, you need mech filtration to remove the binded phospate, you MUST remove the mech filtration after a day or so, wash, rinse and repeat if needed after you wait a couple of days.

Rowaphos is my pick of the products and I use Bio-AID which is similar to Biodigest but is an aquasonic product and IMO, alot stronger.



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Ok, I picked up some Phosphate remover from bunnings. Its made by Premier Chlor and the active constitute which is stated to be Lanthanum Salts is diluted at a rate of 170g/L. It says to add 500mL per 50,000L for phosphate levels of 0.2-1ppm, so would 1mL per 100L be right? So 6mL? Doesn't sound right...

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Before you dose, what test kit have you got to measure PO4? IMO most P04 test kits are rubbish with the exception of Hanna, LaMotte & Elos; RedSea's is also apparently good but i've never used it.

1ml to 100ml is about right if your P04 is as high as .20ppm and you are dosing straight to a swimming pool! Start small, measure phos before you dose, measure 24 hours after you dose. Start with 0.5mm and see how much your phos is reduced by.

2mm in 1000lts on my tank would reduce the P04 level by .07ppm, using that math, approx 1ml to 600ltrs should reduce your Po4 by .07ppm; every tank is different though!

This product is by far the cheapest way to chemically remove P04, but it is not for the faint heart thats for sure, test before, test after, understand how much starver you add and how much that reduced your phos levels by; then tweak it.

The key thing here is to know what your P04 levels are before you dose and what they are after you dose so you can increase/decrease the dose to get the levels down to what you think are acceptable.

As I said, RowaPhos is my pick of the bunch as it just absorbs the po4, then when it it's exhausted (PO4 start to rise again) you change it out for new stuff.

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