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Help with Julidochromis


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Hey all!

Recently bought a pair of Julidochromis Ornatus, and they aren't acting like a pair at all.

I've read that there 's a possibility of the pair splitting if the decor changes too much so I assume that could/would be the same if you put them into a different tank?

The problem is the bigger one (male or female?) chases the smaller away whenever they see each other.

Started out slowly swimming near and around, checking each other out but now the big one dominates everything in the tank and keeps the smaller crammed up behind the filter intake most of the time.

So question is: Should I give them some more time - will they pair up again?

Or sell them off as I'm not leaving them both in as it is, just stresses them and me out!

Stocklist: 2 X Julies, 1 around 7-8cm the other 5-6cm.

4 x Bristlenose cats, biggest about 7cm.

Thats it!

All fish been in tank now for about a month.

Tank: 55gal, tons of caves, water's fine - weekly 25% changes and all eating well.

Any help would be great!

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hey mate,

i think your best bet would be to try and track down another 2 or 3 fish and have them all in together until they sort out who's who. if you dont want to add more julies maybe you could add another species of tang, possibly a shell dwelling species so as not to compete for the rockwork, this might just prompt the julies to pair up....

hope this helsp a bit,


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When i had Julies , The best success for me was buyin 4-6 younger ones and putting them in a tank by themself with on terracotta pot base upside down wit a small hole in it.

Once i see a pair i take the rest out and away you go.

When they breed you dont even need to remove the young for a while as the parents dont eat them and just sell them as need be.

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Hey all!

Recently bought a pair of Julidochromis Ornatus, and they aren't acting like a pair at all.

I've read that there 's a possibility of the pair splitting if the decor changes too much so I assume that could/would be the same if you put them into a different tank?

The problem is the bigger one (male or female?) chases the smaller away whenever they see each other.

Started out slowly swimming near and around, checking each other out but now the big one dominates everything in the tank and keeps the smaller crammed up behind the filter intake most of the time.

So question is: Should I give them some more time - will they pair up again?

Or sell them off as I'm not leaving them both in as it is, just stresses them and me out!

Stocklist: 2 X Julies, 1 around 7-8cm the other 5-6cm.

4 x Bristlenose cats, biggest about 7cm.

Thats it!

All fish been in tank now for about a month.

Tank: 55gal, tons of caves, water's fine - weekly 25% changes and all eating well.

Any help would be great!

I found when I kept a pair of occies in with the julies they ate the fry. Additionally you could add some young yellows as a dither fish who as a bonus would probably breed eventually. People may shout me down for mixing a malawi species in a tang tank however I never had any problems with it. I had the pair in with lab Chisumulae - no probs. I seriously hope it works out for you and the male doesn't end up killing her. The bigger of the two is male in juli. ornatus. I guess I'm saying better to act sooner rather than later.

Cheers, Shirley

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