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leleupi spawn


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hey all ive got a couple of pairs of leleupi,a pair spawned a couple of weeks ago and the fry got to about 5mm,still in the shell and then they disappeared and not sure what happened to them(but i have a pair of calvus in with them, they may have got them).anyway another pair have spawned and i was wondering if and when and how should i remove the shell that this lot have spawned in.

any advice would be great.

cheers marty

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To get the colour its important to feed them foods with lots of orange pigment esp BBS when small then something like Tetrabits,I used to breed them for Bayfish and this created intensely coloured fry.Watch the parents as Ive had a couple of pairs split and the female was killed by the male.

I always let the female raise the fry,they tend to grow faster,as long as they are in a large tank.Split them up when you want another batch of fry

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brine shrimp and crushed nlsg micro worms.... as stated they are extreemly slow growing... and colour is everything... people rave about the colour of my lelupii and to be honest i thing its just good brood lines... cheers micko not the best typer so if any more info needed just gme a call 0435434757

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