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Kribs and Yellows


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First time here on the forums...

I have a 4 foot tank with 2 large electric yellows and 2 small ones and 2 medium-small kribensis.

My question originally was wether yellows and kribs do well together.. I couldn;t post until now.. but other research seemed to indicated they would be fine.

My question now is why are my kribs defending there coconut cave (about 1/3 of the tank), and they are just swimming about the tank picking at food on the bottom.

Other then the fact they are defending.. there is no other signs of wanting to breed. The female is fairly redish.. but the male isn;t exactly a striking red belly.

And there has been very little dancing.

Is it normal for them to defend an area of the tank a few days before spawning ? And just keep swimming around the tank ?

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These are not long term tank mates. They require different water conditions, i.e. pH and hardness. The Pelvicachromis pulcher (Kribensis) likes a lower pH and much softer water than the Labidochromis caeruleus (Electric Yellow).

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It wasn't really the water conditions I was worried about .. more the behaviour towards each other.

I know they have a more even sex ratio in their fry at neutral ph, but I am not overly concerned about that. and they have a large hardess range of 5 -20 which falls in the same range as the yellows.

But what about the behaviour question ? Normal for them to defend but have not laid eggs yet ?

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Sounds a bit like preperation to spwan to me, mine did similar when i had a pair. They staked out a flower pot and kept other fish away although not violently, they still ate at all levels as per normal till they spawned but would bolt back to the pot if another fish got too close.

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One last thing, been getting some medium nitrate problems with the addition of the new fishies which has made algea an issue.

Can I add a brisslenose and not effect the breeding of the yellow and kribs ?

I thought I could do without a brisslenose, but if it won't hurt breeding I think it would be best to have one.

I used to have a sailfin in the tank, but he died of old age the poor old fella. I don't want another sailfin thou for obvious reasons, just tooo big lol. I wasn't thinking 40cm fish when I bought him all those years ago.

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