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Breeding Black Calvus


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Hi guys,

I am currently trying to get my black calvus to breed and was looking for some ideas. I have read that the female needs to be able to enter the cave but it has to be small enough for the male to not fit.

Is there a special cave or shell that breeders use? If so does anyone sell these or know where they can be purchased?

Any info on Breeding Calvus from experiance, or links to good sorces of info, would be muchly appreciated

TIA Aaron

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Zigzagfish (lionel) sells a cave styled specifically for altos (it has a narrow vertical slit entrance).

I have some in with several alto colonies and they've nosied around it but that's all... Though they had.already chosen shells beforehand so that's understandable.

Beagly (i think) makes ones with conical shells vertically mounted on a glass base. My altos like these to hide in but have yet to breed in them.

All of my alto breeding to date has been in relatively small shells that the females can fit into but not the males although not any specific shell type.

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All of my alto breeding to date has been in relatively small shells that the females can fit into but not the males although not any specific shell type.

Laurie, you forgot to mention that you keep them in black tubs on the floor of your fish room or is that a trade secret :lol5:



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Best to start with a male and a few girls

Provide them with alot of different size shells and caves

I tend to scatter them around rock formations

I run my tanks at about 26 degrees

They will pair off at breeding age or if your lucky they will breed as a group

Ive bought a few breeding pairs over the years and had little luck but as soon as a few extra girls went in they were breeding nonstop

Cheers rowie

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Laurie, you forgot to mention that you keep them in black tubs on the floor of your fish room or is that a trade secret :lol5:



c'mon let me keep some tricks to myself. Not just 'keep' too. The gold comps sold in our last cdas auction were bred in that tub.

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ive heard conch shells are good, i wouldnt know though i havnt tried them. i have large white round shells and they bred in them all the time, the male can fit in the biggest and its not a problem to my females,

I have a breeding harem of 1 male and 3 females, think i have a spawn at the moment actually. make sure they are old enough and that you have enough females, because i have noticed my male is rough on the females outside of breeding and is territorial. more females spreads the aggression.

good food, good water, place to spawn, mature and happy fish with a mate....fry.... it cant get simpler

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