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ph spike ?


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hi all,

just on the last phase of fishless cycling a large tank 1500 litres. all was well till today . tank can proccess up to 4 ppm ammonia overnight . ph WAS 8.2 . nitrites and nitrates

spiking . tested today, nitrite dropping to 1 - 2 ppm, down from 5 ppm.thats ok but nitrates have gone from 100 plus back to 20 plus and ph has risen to 8.8 . only thing different was adding 2 wavemakers, cheapies just to push some water around . and tried the new lights.why would the ph rise and nitrates drop ??. the tank was nearly done how can i sort this out pronto !! water temp 27 . water is buffered with plenty of coral bone in the sump . i was so pleased with how well it was going i posted last night and all was good, whats changed ???help needed


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I cant think of a good reason to explain a rise in pH; crashes(precipitous falls) are much more common.With fish waste the pH tends to decrease.I can only assume the coral in your filter is reaching an equilibrium causing a high pH.Ive never noticed Rift lake fish react to a sudden increase in pH and I have some delicate fish like,cyps,sandsifters and feather fins.III chuck in a handful of Rift Lake salts with a water change every couple and have never lost a fish.Id get a tough Tang(Lamprologus) or Malawi(Pseudotropheus or Melanochromis) and put them in for a several weeks before introducing the more delicate fish

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