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Newbie Question


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Hi All,

My names Dom and I'm addicted to Ciclids.

Step one complete :p

I'm new here and thought I'd ask for some advice.

I'm about to set up a 2ft 70L tank and was looking at Apisto's

Can anyone please give me some advise on the best way to set up the tank.

Looking at trying for a more community feel to the tank.


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Welcome Dom

A 2 ft tank isnt the best for most Apistos,certainly avoid members of the Njisseni group(panduro,njisseni and baenchi are the common ones)but there are some small ones that do OK

A.borellii would do well and is a haeremic spawner so you could have several females.Trifasciata would be a possibility.Aggression could be an issue with caccatuoides and agassizii

Apistos like lots of cover like plants,pots and even leaves and squeaky clean soft acid water.Its good to have ditherfish like cardinal tetras(my favourite)or other top dwelling fish to make them feel secure

Below is a picture of one of my borellii,the "Opal"form and a set up for my Apisto panduro in a 3 ft tank

IPB Image

IPB Image

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Trifasciatas will be great,although they are quite expensive.It is a good idea to get more females.The haeremic behaviour starts with the male setting up his territory and trying to breed with females that wander into the territory,if they are not receptive then he gets grumpy and chases them away.The more females the happier he will be and the less of a treat to the females he will be.Certain angry males will kill the females hence the need for big tanks and lots of hidey holes.

Best odf luck and show us some photos when its up and going

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Link didnt display the pic, copied url into browser and got to see the pic, capitals on the first img maybe?

The tank looks good a good size for Apisto's to me. I've seen kiiliguys fish and they are gorgeous , unfortunately not suited to my setups but least I get to see some :-).

I've edited your link to see if it works for me.


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The tank looks good a good size for Apisto's to me.

I agree it should be good as long as its not over crowded

Just a note about the black sand/gravel.Ive had some that persistently raise the pH to 7.4-7.6 not great for Apistos so check the pH a few times before putting soft acid loving fish in

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Great size tank for an Apisto setup.

pH is critical with Apistos so checking to ensure that the pH is correct before adding and whilst maintaining them is important. I would also check the pH of your tap water or if you have one a rainwater tank

Link didnt display the pic, copied url into browser and got to see the pic, capitals on the first img maybe?

You had a double set of codes on the link which I have rectified.

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