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breeding black calvus


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Anychance for a 2 ft tank? (cheaply at any lfs)

stick the mum and the pcs of rock in there is your best bet


remove all other fish include the dad and leave them there by themself...the egg will hatch.

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Anychance for a 2 ft tank? (cheaply at any lfs)

stick the mum and the pcs of rock in there is your best bet


remove all other fish include the dad and leave them there by themself...the egg will hatch.

Lol I did the worse possible thing,

I move the egg into a fry saver this morning.

Is there any chance of them hatching at all?

Thx for the advice mate

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i doubt they will...i never see my female when she is tending eggs, she is always in the shell caring for them which i beleive to be fanning them to keep the water flow and keep them from fungusing.

Provide large round shells, too small for the male to fit in but large enough for the female to fit in there comfortably wthout risk of her getting trapped and dieing.

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