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Whats happening?


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hi people of ACE,

i have an electric yellow colony, and for the past 3-4 days they have not been eating as well as before

i have tested the water and all seems fine: ammonia and nitrate 0, pH is 8.0

anytime i give them some NLS they will eat it then spit it straight out.

whats going on?

any advice appreciated

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yellow are notorious for doing that. i believe its some sort of wasting condition. i do not know much about it but from my understanding its similar to bloat.

my colony had it a few weeks ago and i just kept feeding very small amounts for 5-6 times a day and they all eventually started eating again. but i do know people that have lost colonies of up to 40 fish from it. no matter what, they couldn't get them eating again. even with metro.

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yellow are notorious for doing that. i believe its some sort of wasting condition. i do not know much about it but from my understanding its similar to bloat.

my colony had it a few weeks ago and i just kept feeding very small amounts for 5-6 times a day and they all eventually started eating again. but i do know people that have lost colonies of up to 40 fish from it. no matter what, they couldn't get them eating again. even with metro.

I would agree with the above. The only advice that I would add is TRY using epsom salts to flush out the gut. Follow up with a pwc and gravel vac. Wasting is one of those frustrating conditions.

I would isolate affected fish, but treat quarantined fish and the main tank with epsom salts. In the main tank all the fish should be pooping excessively. Then after syphoning out each tank, I'd treat the hospital tank with 5ppm Metro twice a day and adjust the temp to 29 to 30 deg with lots of aeration.

I have never got a fish with a sunken belly from wasting back. But depending on how many fish are in the tank, it is worth taking a crack at it.

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My colony suffered this a few weeks ago. I lost about 3-5 fish from memory that were looking thin for a couple of weeks. I tried overfeeding and frequent water changes to no avail.

I decided to try overfeeding metro soaked food which seemed to cure 90% of the remaining fish. I am now doing a second dose a couple of weeks later.

I may also try avitrol plus which is a bird wormer. I have heard that it was brought in from the german bred yellows.

It seems to be contagious to the rest colony but also across tanks possibly through nets etc. Very frustrating thing to have!

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thanks all for the reply, i have separated the affected one which is very skinny now and has a in-dent stomach...

also im not too sure what metro is? could you please tell me what it is and how to use it?

thanks to all, hope it doesn't turn out bad...

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I have completed standard treatment like matrox to many fish with 0 actually be cured with metro or epsom salts, i find if the fish looks to far off you must enthatise it because if other fish feed on it it can cause a greater infection.


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  • 2 weeks later...

well my yellows seem to be holding up...few starting to eat again which is great news!!!! and i thought i'd let you all know that i have tried something that may sound a bit weird but i gave it a shot and have seen some big improvements in them! the secret ingredient is...Inner Health Plus capsules!! i have been putting 1 capsule to about 50L of water and the next day i would see them being active and eating slightly, so i did water changes every 3 days from then and kept on adding the inner health plus and seems to be going good!

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i had a hongi getting skinnier and skinnier by the day. i didnt have time to treat for a couple of weeks and her belly became so sunken she looked like she was gonna drop at any second. i finally got the time and space to move her to a 100L hospital tank by herself 2 weeks ago. i treated her with 7 days of metro soaked nls, and i am currently feeding her normal nls once per day and she is almost back to a completely normal shape within 2 weeks.

might give her an extra week of metro and keep her in the hospital tank for 2 weeks after that to be sure she is totally cured. going to try this with a couple of yellows that are looking abit thin also.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys i got some female cobalts the other day and one of them is rather thin with a concave stomach and fairly thin around the head the breeder who sold me them said she tends to breed too often in quick succession and doesnt get enough food, she is in with the rest of my colony and iam unsure wether this is wasting or not. She takes food easily and devours nls 2mm pellets. She is healthy enough, is this wasting should i be worried??

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