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the joys and sorrows of keeping oscars


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tonight I found that my two largest (read 25 odd cm) oscars had finally managed to do what they had been looking like they would do for weeks.... they spawned in my big tank. they have taken over a vast space in the tank, but with a 24 square feet of tank footprint they thankfully havent been able to completely wipe the tank out.

while I was quite happy to see they had finally managed, it sadly came at a cost. the inter species aggression is relatively bad, but manageable and I dont think I will lose anything. sadly the intra species aggression has been terrible and one 23 odd cm oscar is almost certainly on its way out, another 20 odd cm one may pull through. the last other oscar looks ok, but thats cos he is a big bad buggar and they couldnt belt him too hard.

part of the joys of having multiple fish of the same species in a large display tank is watching courting behaviour and also watching territorial displays that come with it. the risks though are that they will decide to pair up, spawn and seriously defend a territory. so i guess its a strage night for me. great because i have finally had oscars spawn. terribly sad cos I have lost at least one fish. so typical of fishkeeping really, nothing ever seems to be easy no matter how long you have been at it :)

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the two that are breeding are both tiger oscars yes. as for moving fry on, its purely a display tank with predators like a bay snook, saratoga, other oscars as mentioned plus various other cichlids so if any do manage to survive to any sort of size I would be at least mildly suprised. i may in the future move the pair out if they continue to spawn and raise a few batches to free swimming but not in the immediate future.

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Interesting experience, Gav! My two tiger oscars bred in my display tank and I found that the female practically forgot she'd laid, whereas my big boofhead male (Edgar - because all oscars should have names) kept a decoted vigil over the eggs and let absolutely nothing near them. No injuries though...



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  • 2 months later...

been a while and i finally got around to doing a video instead of some pictures as it was just easier. here is a link


this video was taken a few hours before the oscars spawned for a second time, and you can see the colour intensity in them. the second spawning was with a different male to the first time, and these eggs only lasted a day or so (the first stayed for nearly 3 days)

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