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Does Water Quality effect fish colour


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I recently bought an electric blue and after having it in my tank for a few days it is nowhere near the colour it was when i bought it. i was wondering if anyone can tell me if water quality has anything to do with it. its probably about 6-7cm long now.

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maybe the fish is stressed out or maybe there are other dominant fish the tank so it doesent show its real colour?

Maybe lightning differences? they might have maybe more light then you so shows more colour but if your tanks is darker with less light maybe thats why?


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Hi -

If it is a dramatic loss of colour there are two possible reasons. 1. Stress. This will probably go away with time. 2. Hormones - if, as I suspect, the fish you bought was fed food containing hormones or chemicals that induce male colouration then, short of continuing to feed the fish food that may well kill it, it will simply take time to determine whether the fish is male or female and to develop its own natural colours.

What sort of fish is it? Were all the fish in the tank the same luminous colours?

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