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Ikola and Dubiosi Tank


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TANK SIZE/VOLUME: 6' by 18" by 14"

FILTRATION: 1300 lph cannister with Matrix

SUBSTRATE: 2-3mm crushed coral

ROCKS/DECOR: River rocks and PVC pipe


HEATING: 300 W Aqua one

LIGHTING: 4ft T8 White

STOCKLIST (SPECIES/NUMBERS): 18 F1 and F2 Dubs/ 30 Ikola K1(20 F1 and 10 from german parents)

WATER CHANGE AMOUNT/FREQUENCY: 25-30 % - 2 times a week.

BUFFERS/SALTS: Tanganyikan Buffer

PH/KH/GH/TEMP: 7.86/?/?/26.C

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I like the setup, the pvp pipes while not natural looking give it an uncluttered look and are very functional. I bet the fish enjoy having all those places to swim through and chase. Also love the fish, some time down the track if I can set up another good size tank I'd like to do similar to what you have done.

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