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Is there an Earth Eater that can be kept in a 3ft?


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Hey Guys,

I've done a bit of searching around and it seems that the majority of these species get relatively big (25cm) and need tanks with big foot prints.

However, when you see one getting around in a tank looking splendid and doing that amazing "eartheater" bit, I always wonder if there is a species that is all of that, but smaller.

So is there a species that will let me observe the wonder of 'eartheating' in my regular sized 3 fter?

Thank you in advance.


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If you can find them, several of the Gymnogeophagus species should be alright, as well as, of course, the Microgeophagus (Rams and Bolivians).

Geophagus steindachneri should be fine as well - and they are a nice fish!



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In my opinion, no. Andrew is right that many Gymnogeophagus species could be considered suitable, but the only one available in Australia, G. balzanii, is too large.

Geophagus steindachneri males get a bit big for a 3', especially if they feel like beating up any girls kept with them. Even a 4' is tiny for most species, even Orange Heads, in my opinion.

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Quite right, G. balzanii is a whopper...lol However, I have seen more than that species available over the years. Gymno. australis, gymnogenys, and several others that I can't call to mind. They were never common, hence the addition of "if you can find them" in my post.

I have seen steindachneri living and breeding quite fine in a 3ftr, but yes, a 3ft tank would not adequately support a large adult breeding colony.

Obviously, the Microgeophagus would be the best candidates, but they're hardly similar... :(

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I have seen more than that species available over the years. Gymno. australis, gymnogenys, and several others that I can't call to mind

Other Gymno's?, in my time, ive only ever seen balzanii, and labiatus, but i dont know if labiatus is still around, last time there was only 2 colony's.

Cheers Mark~

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Yeah, quite a while back now, but I can remember several offerings of various Gymnos in the past. Sadly, I don't think they achieved their deserved niche here.

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i would recommend you go with rams, their cheap and colourful, their some on the market at the moment, but have a look around, i gto 9 geos in a 3 foot and they grow fast, they were only 3-4cm when i bought them now their 6.5cm ,

so i cant wait for my brother to build his tank so i got to buy m own now :angry:

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