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What fish would you add next?


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Tank is an aquaone 980 (215l)

Current fish are:-

1M 2FMs Auloncara Rubescens

1M 2F Cynotilapia Afra (Cobue)

1M 2F Copadichromis borleyi (Kadango)

1M 2F Pseudotropheous Acei Msuli

2 Albino Bristlenose

8 Synodontis Petricolas

What would you add next?

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May give me an excuse for a 6x6 in the future. would still have to get a capex by the Mrs.

If it was me I woulnt add anything else. Got a couple of species that grow to a decent size in there like the red fins.

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At the moment (changes all the time) I like the sound of Pseudotropheus Saulosi, Metriaclima Estherae, Leleupis (instead of the ubiquitous electric yellows) and for a last entry when everything has grown an electric blue or demasoni. Not all of those unless the tank itself grows. I do like seeing peoples ideas though to set me researching.

They are on my shortlist as they would add a nice contrast.

whats your short list ?

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demasoni is quite similar to the cobue. imo 3 more cobue's to make a really nice colony rather that another 3 of a different species with very similar markings would be preferable. have you considered any other peacocks or the lake victoria species like the flame back or ruby green ?

others...cobalt blue zebra, yellow blaze lithobates ...

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I think my existing cobues will produce a nice colony for free. Flamebacks look nice.

demasoni is quite similar to the cobue. imo 3 more cobue's to make a really nice colony rather that another 3 of a different species with very similar markings would be preferable. have you considered any other peacocks or the lake victoria species like the flame back or ruby green ?

others...cobalt blue zebra, yellow blaze lithobates ...

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You will get cross breeding with those fish. I'd recommend removing all females and have male only display. Better colour that way too. Good list of fish though. 1 or 2 tropheus would give a nice different shape and size fish. I also like crabro, venustus, lithobates and E.Yellows or E.Blues may be common but are common for a reason.

Cheers Couchy :thumb

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The same. My Afra was the boogy master today. The other female is warming to him and lightened in colour but still feeding.

btw: is an afra cobue the same as the afra cobwe ?

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Any particular combination? I am taking care to avoid hybridisation and the LFS is against it as well. I may get an electric blue at some point.

You will get cross breeding with those fish. I'd recommend removing all females and have male only display. Better colour that way too. Good list of fish though. 1 or 2 tropheus would give a nice different shape and size fish. I also like crabro, venustus, lithobates and E.Yellows or E.Blues may be common but are common for a reason.

Cheers Couchy :thumb

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i just added 5 red zebs and they are awesome. very active swimmers and they bring alot of colour and activity to the tank. every now and then they cop a bit of a touch up from the boss mbamba but otherwise they settled right in and spend most of their time, even from the moment i put them in, swimming all over the tank. lfs is pretty sure i have 2 males and 3 females, still a bit small to be 100% sure.

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I think you could get cross breeding between the below

Auloncara Rubescens

Cynotilapia Afra (Cobue)

Pseudotropheous Acei Msuli

And the red tops will breed with anything even remotely similar in shape.

thats from my experience but others will have different experiences.

I strictly believe in species only tanks for breeding although many people successfully breed 2 or more species in 1 tank.

Cheers Couchy :thumb

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Breeding is a bonus if it happens. So far each species is keeping to themselves.

I think you could get cross breeding between the below

Auloncara Rubescens

Cynotilapia Afra (Cobue)

Pseudotropheous Acei Msuli

And the red tops will breed with anything even remotely similar in shape.

thats from my experience but others will have different experiences.

I strictly believe in species only tanks for breeding although many people successfully breed 2 or more species in 1 tank.

Cheers Couchy :thumb

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