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Pseudotropeues elongatus?


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I have a colony of the above fish which kept on breeding with the same male but unfortunately after 3 days they r not holding anymore.

Is it because the male is infertile or just because of their inexperienced in holding the eggs to full term???

I put the holding females to a fry saver and still after 3 days they r not holding anymore and i saw some of the eggs they spit which are white.

can anyone please tell me what can i do once they breed again???


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It could be from a number of things, if it was the first time they held, then that is proabably the reason, another big factor would be you seperating her too early, you really need to let them feel comfortable with the mouthful in the main tank for around 5-7 days, depending on how many females you have to share the aggression around this may not be an option.


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hmmm...some more information about the numbers, size, age, tank size, decorations amd water perameters would make it a bit easyier to help coz as it is I am just guesssing.

However, I would agree with Jon that the most likely problem is you messing with them too early. My elongatus are left in the main tank with their mouthful for 14 days before seperation into a fry-saver/floaty...after 14 days they will guard their eggs very closely and are unlikely to spit untill day 22-28(more than likely spitting the fry and regathering them before you see in this period).


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