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Sick Peakock help!


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Wondering whats wrong with him. He eats fine but has lost condition in the last two weeks. Fins a little tatty and sunken stomache.. been doing regular water changes and ph tests and all are fine? :( Dont want to loose him

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Wondering whats wrong with him. He eats fine but has lost condition in the last two weeks. Fins a little tatty and sunken stomache.. been doing regular water changes and ph tests and all are fine? :( Dont want to loose him

IPB Image<a href="http://s626.photobucket.com/albums/tt349/jamie2548/?action=view&current=DSCN0504.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt349/jamie2548/DSCN0504.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Hi Jaime,

Is he eating enough? Is there another fish in the tank that's bullying him and keeping him from getting everything he needs? Tatty fins don't normally accompany wasting, at least not until later stages. Another possibility may be that he needs worming.

Just thoughts. I certainly hope everyone's info has helped and there'll probably be more info to come from other members too I'd say.

All the best


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