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Thoughts on black worms and Tangs


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I have recently aquired young colonies of several Tangs including Enantiopus "Kilesa",Cyprichromis leptostoma Mpulungu,Limnochromis auritis,Paracyp.Nigripinnis etc.The breeder,who has an amazing collection of rare and difficult Tangs,warned me against feeding black worms to my "Kilesa".I have a good supply of black worms from a Trout farm (I gather),so not like the old tubifex worms but am now afraid to feed all the Tangs with it.

Currently the Kelisa happily sift baby brine shrimp ,spirulina flake and tetra bits from the sand.

What is the experience of other Tang breeders re Black worm,any trouble??I hope eventually to get the "Holy grail " of Tangs Cyathopharynx.Can it tolerate black worms??

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probably not the response you're looking for,

leave the black worms where they breed. [in the sewer mud]

tangs need nothing more than a good quality balanced diet, some brine shimp once a week would be good

but not absolutely vital.

small weekly water changes are more important than fancy foods.

don't make hard work out of your hobby. keep it simple.


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Im not aware of any reputable source of blackworms being from "sewer mud",my source

are harvested out of the settling ponds of a privately owned trout hatchery.The old tubifex worms were well known to be from sewage run off and caused all sorts of problems.

Im doing the water changes and other dietary things you mentioned,its just I often have blackworms and wondered what the consensus was about feeding these things to Tangs any problems??

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Id say just take Colin's advice, hes been keeping tangs forever now, and has had everything from a-z of the tang world.

I agree probably not the best source of food for tangs.

Cheers Mark~

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It would be unfortunate for you if you have a good supply of live food, but can't use it. Would there be any way for you to treat the worms? Grow them for a while in a sterile environment? I'd guess tey're probably quite fragile?

Perhaps there might be a way to process themn that kills the worms, but also any bugs as well? Perhaps you could make your own pellets out of them?

I'm lucky in that I have access to an almost constant supply of mosquito larvae. What's more, they come from sources with a high salt content and I don't encounter the same bugs one would get in a freshwater pond. In previous years, when I was raising a large number of fry, I would also freeze the mosquito larvae into ice cubes for later use. But, that was only so that I had a constant supply: In your case I think you'd need to process the worms a bit further rather than just freezing them.

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