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i read in an active post that allasse's maingano tanks drift wood has leaked after leaving it out for a period of 12months .

do all drifts coninue to leak after a period out of the water ?

i fogot to mention allasse had found the piece of driftwood !

or does it only occure if the piece is not (i dont know how to say it) dried out, treated, prept? correctly?

iv been keeping a piece for my new set up! this is why i asked.

because know i dont know if i should keep it in water so it is ready ?

any info would be helpful thankyou..

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stupidly, i paid $40 for a peice of driftwood from a LFS and it has leaked non stop for about 18months. i soaked it in a bucket for about 2 weeks before i put it in, added extra carbon to my filter and in the end, i had 2 1500L/h filters on the tank and it still managed to turn the water brown. just my experience though. might not be everyones. good luck with yours

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You probably have to use a product called purigen (sp). I have been usuing carbon but it can't really keep up so purigen is what I have been told to use.

I have a piece in one tank that leached for well over a year probably 2. I was using carbon and it helped but didn't clear it up totally.

Depending on when your going to use it (i have just done this with mine after advice from another member) soak it in a tub with pool chlorine for a few days, also kills any nasties if there are any, then out in the sun for a few days then back in plain water with some prime or equivelent then back out in the sun for a week. I am about to put one piece in this arvo. I can't smell any chlorine smell plus, sun dissapates chlorine anyway. Makes the wood more uniform in colour and might lessen the tannins a little, I guess that depends on how long you leave it in the chlorine.

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hot water is the best bet. but nothing but time will take care of tannins. my set up has alot of wood. my wood all bought from lfs at a cost of about $400 still leeches well after 12 months and i boiled all pieces consistantly for a week. even if you bleech your wood for a week it is still likeley after a period of time you will see tannins in the water.

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